2 - Unbothered

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I trudge through the parking lot, my mind still reeling from the eternity I spent in the bathroom. I had to ensure that my eyes didn't betray the tears I shed and that my throbbing fist, foolishly slammed into the mirror, didn't reveal the pain within.

As I scan the surroundings, searching for my mother's car, I can't help but bury my hand in my pocket. Thank goodness for my skin color in times like these—a rich chocolate hue that hides bruises and marks with ease.

In the distance, I catch sight of my brother Daniel's tripod attachments, his hand waving in the air as he passionately records his vlog. A small smile tugs at my lips as I approach him, a mixture of pride and envy swirling within me.

"...I've mentioned this in a few of my previous videos, and if you guys want more insights, let me know in the comments section-"

"We can go home now," I abruptly interrupt, my voice too loud, cutting him off mid-sentence. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't turn. I simply walk behind his equipment.

"I'm vlogging," Daniel states with an incredulous tone, as if wondering how I could have missed such an obvious fact. He returns his attention to the camera, continuing his endless stream of words.

My brother runs a wildly successful YouTube channel with over a hundred thousand subscribers. He creates captivating tutorials on food, gadgets, pranks, challenges—anything that piques his interest.

"As I mentioned earlier, I'm here at my little sister's graduation, and I couldn't be prouder of her," he exclaims with burgeoning excitement, and I can't help but chuckle at the sweetness in his voice.

"Come on, come say hi to my viewers," he beckons me with a wide smile, genuine happiness shining in his eyes.

But I shake my head and cautiously make my way to the front seat of the car. I open the door, making sure to handle the camera carefully as I retrieve it before jamming the door shut.

Daniel's hand grabs mine, pulling me towards him. Who am I to resist the insistent call of a strong grip?

I collide into his body with a gasp, feeling a surge of coldness in my veins and my heart pounding relentlessly in my chest. I push him away, my hand instinctively lashing out. Something crashes to the ground, mingling with my brother's scream and the ferocious beat of my heart.

My wide eyes dart in every direction, finally meeting my mother's shocked gaze, her mouth agape.

I don't fully comprehend the situation at first, but realization dawns on me as pain throbs through my knuckles, as if I had punched metal. It's the same hand I used on that iron mirror.


My head snaps downward to where my brother kneels beside his—my hands instinctively fly to cover my mouth as I gawk in horror at the shattered remains of his camera.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" he barks, his eyes filled with a burning fury.

"I... I..." I struggle to find the right words, but they elude me.

"Sophia, what has gotten into you?" my mother rushes over, her brow furrowed with concern. Disappointment radiates from her.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't know it would..." I stammer, attempting to explain, but the words fail me.

"Fuck! I hadn't even saved that video—fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Clearly, my mom is still seething, her anger fixated on the ruined video. Otherwise, she would have scolded Daniel for his choice of words.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we can take it to a repair shop and get it fixed?" I suggest, glancing at my mom, who nods in agreement.

"But your graduation..." she begins.

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