Entering 'hell'

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Tony p.o.v 

Bruce  and I were in the lab, me fixing my suit from the Chitauri battle, Bruce looking over the data from some of the broken alien weaponry, even though Fury was never going to let us use it. The whole  week since the battle I'd had Jarvis continuessly in my ear, completely ignoring my orders to stop. Why didn't I make him more obedient? Because, as I have often been told on countless occasions, I'm an idiot. But I'm a smart idiot.
"Sir, might I remind you, for what I count to be the thirty-seventh time today that if you don't go there soon, once you do go, you shall be entering what you have in the past referred to as 'hell'," said Jarvis. I groaned in annoyance, but he did have a point. I have got to build in a mute button.
"Go where?" Asked Bruce, glancing over at me curiously.
I turned to look at him. "To a friend of mine's," I said, simply, even though she was more important to me than that. But don't tell her that. I'd never hear the end of it.
"Nope, but she is going to kill me,"
"Who, Pepper?"
"Someone far scarier,"

Carson p.o.v
AC/DC's 'Highway to Hell' playing loudly in the background as I dance along to the beat of the music. Mother had gone out with her latest prey...oops I meant boyfriend. I've chased away the same group of young, very drunk men about twelve times and they are very annoying. We just had an alien invasion, why would this place be open? Idiots. 
Knock, knock. 
Of course, speak of the devils and they shall appear. I paused my music, stormed over to the door, swinging it open, yelling...
Standing right in front of me was Tony Stark, most people know him as the genius, billionaire,  playboy, philanthropist, but I know him as...
"Anthony Edward Stalk, " I growled, glaring so hard Tony gulped and backed away before smirking and saying "Hey kid,"
'Wrong move Tony' I thought.

Steve p.o.v 
Tony had come up, inviting us to come and meet his best friend, surprised that he had a best friend other than Rhodey and Pepper, we'd all agreed, though I was slightly shocked he wanted us all to come until  he surprisingly admitted:
"I need protection, this girl is scary," Tony had muttered, completely serious. Apparently, I was supposed to shield him (ironic huh?), Nat hold his friend back, Bruce calm everyone down and Clint just to laugh his head off. Thor was currently on Asgard dealing with Loki.
Immediately we all agreed, needing to meet this girl that Tony was so terrified of.
We arrived at a small bar whose windows had all been shattered, but the blinds we're down, so we couldn't see inside, but we could hear music, I think Tony called it AC/DC. 
Tony hesitantly knocked, the music instantly stopped and footsteps came to the door, and a voice yelling:
"I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO GET LO...Tony?" In front of us...was a little girl, with brown hair, who looked angry opening the door, slightly surprised to see us for a split second, then angrily glared at Tony. But it wasn't the usual little kid glare, no, this one actually scared me slightly, though I would never admit it. Bruce even took a subtle step back, in fact, all of us looked at her in shock except for Tony, Nat and Clint.
Nat just looked at her, while Clint's eyes widened the smallest bit and Tony averted his eyes, seemingly nervous for once. Despite being so young, she held herself in a way that seemed grown up, mature. The  kid spoke again, but this time, in a growl.
"Anthony Edward Stark," making Tony gulp and step back before smirking and replying with: "hey kid," I mentally face palmed.

'Wrong move Tony,' I thought.

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