recap from season 1 ep 9

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the band is planning to play at the orpheum. willie is helping them, and alex eventually hugs him affectionally. the band go into the office inside of the orpheum where they play a video of julie and the bands garage performance to persuade the manager to book the band for the night. the band that was meant to play is now 300 miles away from the location of the orpheum after willie drives them out. the manager is now on the phone with someone who is trying to tell him that the bus drove itself, but he's not buying it. later back at the garage, julie gets a call from tasha, the manager, that they have their first big gig. before the performance, julie pulls luke aside to tell him that when he crosses over, could he tell her mom that she loves and misses her. her little brother is overhearing the ongoing conversation outside the garage doors. the band do a team circle. when julie leaves, caleb covington appears and makes the band disappear to his club. back at the orpheum, flynn asks julie where the band is. the band is being forced to perform for calebs band back at his club. julie realizes something is wrong but she knows that the band wouldn't stand her up again. she believes they have already crossed over and begins to sob and speaks to her mom. a lady walking around with flowers gives julie one as a sign. julie goes on stage anyways and dedicates the performance to the band and her mom. as the beat drops, the band appears and julie has a smile on her face. when julie gets home and enters the studio, she sighs and thanks the band in the dark, but realizes that they're all there. they're laying on the ground in agonizing pain - the orpheum wasn't their unfinished business. julie begs them to go join calebs club but they don't think music is worth doing without her. julie hugs luke as they both cry and notices that she can feel him and wonders why. luke realizes that he feels stronger. all four of them hug and they all feel the same feeling. nick shows up at julies house with flowers but before the door could be answered, caleb takes over his body. when julie answers, nick (caleb) gives her flowers. 

-the season ends with a major cliffhanger. hopefully, season 2 is picked up so us die hard fans won't be left hanging!- 

now, onto the story! --> 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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