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" I'm failing grant, I'm failing my classes. " I spoke softly.
" I can't do this without you please wake up soon. I miss you best friend. I don't like seeing you in this hospital bed" I cried
Lately that's all I've been doing.
I mean I have been late to school for about 2 months now and the guys are all off on their separate ways. My brother is on tour . I'm basically with Hayes most of the time and he transferred to my school so we can be closer more often. It's basically me and him and sometimes Aaron and Taylor checks up on us. We're both 17 I think we're old enough to be alone .
But Hayes hasn't been going to school and Reed has to wake me up real early so I can graduate . It's too much to handle and reed always tries his best to keep things going but I can't think just knowing my best friend has been in the hospital for almost 2 months. He needs to wake up.
He has to.


" Katie wake up" reed yelled
" IM UP DICKHEAD " I shouted
" Geez get up we're going to be late"
" for what? Isn't this a Saturday?" I said being annoyed
" We're going a carnival" he seemed so happy.
I was so tired and I couldn't move. But I need to do this for Reed. For always trying to be there for me.For myself. It hasn't been so easy on him either.
" Pick out my outfit " I told him
" As usual " he replied
" It's always great thoooo"
I brushed my teeth and my hair.
" Heyyyyy I really like this outfit " he pulled out leggings, a hamburger in space sweatshirt, and space vans.
" Aw it's cute" I put it on and I look different in it.
Usually I'm in jeans and sweatshirt or sweatpants and tank top.
" Your hair . Let me curl it " he suggested
" Oh no last time you tried you burned your finger and set my rug on fire . Let's not" I laughed
" Pleaseeeeeeeee " he begged
" Fine but don't Burn anything please . I don't think Hayes wants to set off the fire again"
As he heads toward my drawer , Cameron and Nash bursted in.

Little sisters secret(Carter reynolds and 12/12)Where stories live. Discover now