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She feels so light ah my arms, almost like she is not there. When I saw her in that fighter ship... stuck, drifting out in space, she was shocked to see me. It shocked me to see her tears streaking down her face, her wild eyes turned on to mine. I had no time to think, as soon as our eyes locked, I knew she would be broken. I did not expect her to be in that fight, I didn't expect her to be there, I could not stop what was already in motion so her being in my arms now, even if she is hurt, is a blessing from the universe. As I walk into the medic meda-bay I notice the walls are soft grey and I think of our 1st real conversation back on Viggs.

I lay her down on the table and the med-pod closes around her with her leg and arm bent in an unnatural way. The medics and doctors all swarm around her reading the projected holo-screens. The scans of her body don't look good, every bone in her body is fractured in one way or another and her leg and arm, bones have shattered completely. An older doctor approaches me, she wears thick glasses that look too big on her frail face.

"GA; Albertine, her scans are not normal, she should be dead. I have to let you know that my team and I are out of shorts. We will do our best, but we have never seen anything let her before. Her genetic markings..." she pulls up a holo-screen with a DNA stand running across it that is thicker and is like nothing I have ever seen before. "The strand is more complex than anything I have ever come across or that is known in our database." She frowns and glances at Lenora and then back to me. I can tell she wants to tell me something, to speak her mind but she is worried about my reaction. "Please forgive me if I cross the line, but do you think it's wise to save her? She is actively fighting against us."

"You may speak freely doctor; this is your domain in the meda-bay, and I encourage you to speak your mind even outside of the bay. Yes, it is very unwise, however, she is our people's hope, salvation, our lifeline to save our people from going out." She frowns and nods in understanding and I turn my attention back to her, lasers have begun to cut the suit of her broken body. Everyone in the bay takes a step back and shock cresses everyone of our faces and liquid gold spills out starting to fill the pod. It is giving off a faint glow, warming the dull gray bay in warm light. I turn back to the doctor to she fixed on her holo-screen trying to make sense of what is unfolding.

"Doctor?" She looks up, "I think she is worth saving as well, for personal reasons." She smiles at that and looks back to the broken goddess, bathed in gold. "Well GA; Albertine, I am not sure what I can do as it seems like she can save herself, here take a look." On the holo-screen she points out a zoomed screen of a gold cell structure, slowing weaving itself together light vines coming together. 

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