Sleepy Boi Wilbur (Wilbur and Ph1lza)

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Hello! This is my first fanfiction so I don't know how good it's going to be but it's going to just a bunch of angsty oneshots with the whole mcyt gang so hope y'all enjoy :)


Wilbur glanced at the time on his phone for the fifth time that night and then wasn't surprised when he yawned, "4:47am, guess this is gonna be another no sleep night." He thought as he sat up in his bed and turned off his phone. Wilbur has been streaming daily for the past week and hasn't been able to get to sleep afterwards so he just sits in his bed til the morning arrives, so to say the least, Wilbur was exhausted. However, Wilbur ignored his inner voice beg for sleep and got out of his warm bed and headed downstairs, careful not to make much noise as he didn't want to wake up his brothers or Phil. He made his way towards the heap of blankets huddled together on the sofa before plopping down and getting comfortable. He scrolled through his Twitter for a few minutes before deciding to watch a film. He turns down the volume enough so that he can still hear it but no one else will in the house. A couple of hours later, the film is finished and Wilbur starts to hear footsteps coming from the stairs, without even looking at his phone to check the time, he knows it's Phil as he's always the first to get up followed by his older brother Techno and then his younger brothers Tommy and Tubbo a few hours later.

Phil yawned as he made his way downstairs and towards the kitchen. However, he stopped in his tracks when he notices the tv on with a curly headed figure staring at it from the sofa.
"Will? Why are you up this early? And how long have you been up?" He questions Wilbur, who turns and looks at Phil before returning his gaze to the tv.
"Not too long, maybe an hour or so?" Wilbur lied quickly as he stretches his legs and makes his way towards the kitchen, making himself a cup of coffee, " You want a cup?" He asks as Phil joins his in the kitchen.
"Oh, uh, yes please. Have you got anything that you want to do today? As me and Tecno could always take the boys to the park whilst you go to play your music?" Phil suggests as takes his cup of coffee from Wilbur.

"Uh, no, I was thinking that maybe all of us could go to the park, together, as a family?"
"Yeah, we could do that, it will be fun and maybe you can bring your guitar up and play at the park for the boys, hm?
"Yeah, yeah." Wilbur says as he begins to zone out.

Wilbur wonders how long he zoned out for when he hears a new voice beside him, "-Bur, Wilbur? Hello? Earth to Wilbur!" The voice says as he comes back to reality.
"Huh? Sorry, I didn't hear that..." He says sheepishly to Techno, the person previously speaking.
"Yeah, I could tell. U alright? I was calling your name for a good 5 minutes there..."
"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine, just thinking about stuff." He once again lies quickly before he can think of anything else to say.
Both Techno and Phil, who had just been watching Wilbur for the past 5 minutes seem to accept that response hesitantly before Techno starts talking again. "So, as I was saying, Will, have you got any idea as to what you should get Niki for her Birthday next week?"
"Oh uh, no, I don't know yet..." Wilbur says before making his way over to be couch again to watch more TV. Techno and Phil just waited for the two teen to wake up so they could start their day.

Time Skip :) ○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○

The family have been at the park for a couple hours now with Techno chasing around Tommy and Tubbo, Wilbur sitting under a tree strumming his guitar whilst humming a quiet tune and Phil watching over the general area, enjoying the sun. However, as the minutes passed, Phil struggled to hear the soft strumming of Wilbur's guitar so he looks over to Wilbur is and is shocked that he didn't notice Wilbur's appearance earlier, Phil could say the way Wilbur is slumped over his guitar, just barely strumming notes and as he moves further he can see the big dark circles underneath Wilbur's hair and his unkempt fully hair more unkempt than usual, with concern, he makes his way over. "Hey Will, u alright? You look like... shit yo be honest." Phil says watching as Wilbur's eyes close for a second covered he wakes his head and begins to strum more. "Oh yeah, thanks for telling me this now Phil, we've been out for hours, but I'm fine." Wilbur curses inwardly as his eyes close once more before he quickly opens them and shakes his head again, he knows Phil doesn't believe him.
"Ok. Tell me honestly. How are you feeling?"
Wilbur doesent want to lie to Phil anymore but he also doesent want to be the reason they cut the family time short so he just tried to lie again, "I told you, I'm fine. " He says before yawning causing him to again inwardly curse.
"Mhm. Sure." Phil then just walks away towards Techno and Wilbur knows he's done for.

*With Tecno and Phil*

"Hey Techno, come here for a sec?" Phil tells Tecno leading him slightly further away from the teens, who are happily on the swings at this point.
"Yh Phil, What's up?"
"Can you stay here with the boys for a bit while I take Will home? I can tell he's tired whether he admits that or not"
Techno looks over towards the teens then to Will before responding,"Yeah, sure, I'll bring them back in about half an hour, go take care of Will, he looks like he's half dead over there."
"Cool, thanks" Phil says goodbye to Techno and the boys before walking to Wilbur, who by now has stopped strumming his guitar and is just resting his head against the tree.
"Come on, up you get, we're going home." Phil offers his hand out towards the tired man.
"But what about the others?" Wilbur slightly slurs as he reaches for Phil's hand and shakily stands up, once he's up, Phil ignores his qiestion and quickly slings his arm around Wilbur's shoulder before he can fall over and quickly guides him to the direction of their house.

5 long and exhausting minutes for the both of them and they are home, Wilbur very almost asleep and Phil exhausted from basically carrying Wilbur. Phil ends up just picking up the 6 foot 5 man in a bridal carry up the stairs before gently placing the now fully passed out man in his bed, Wilbur, feeling the softness and warmth from his bed, grips the blankets closer to his body and relaxes again. Phil, now comfortable with the fact that Wilbur is finally sleeping begins to leave the room but stops when he hears a very faint,"Please, stay" from the sleeping form and so instead of leaving Phil brings over Wilbur's office chair next to the bed and getting comfortable before softly replying,"I will never leave, I'll always be here." Five minutes later, Phil smiles to himself before allowing himself to fall asleep.

When Techno came in with Tommy and Tubbo half an hour later, he didn't expect to see both Wilbur and Ph1lza both passed out in Wilbur's room, dead to the world.


And that is it! I hope you enjoyed my first oneshot, this one wasn't too angsty as I'm wanting to ease into the really angsty oneshots later on. If you could give me constructed feedback, I would really appreciate it. I will probably update soon but thank you for reading! 😁😊

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