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Aizawa Shouta and his husband's lives fell apart on their daughters 4th birthday. The beginning of the day was great. They both took the day off work and let her skip school. After a day of family time and a fun dinner, Paige blew out her candles. She got 3 of them and upon trying to blow out the 4th she collapsed.

Hizashi was freaking out and in tears, but Shouta sprung into action and made sure she was breathing and had a pulse. Fortunately she did, so they rushed to the hospital.


They took her in quickly and after a long night of waiting, the doctors called.

"Paige Aizawa's parents?"

The two men stood up quickly.

"Yes that's us."

The doctor looked sympathetic.

"I am sorry to inform you that your daughter has contracted leukaemia.

The pro heroes had faced many dangerous things in their lives, but they had never been this scared. Hizashi spoke.

"Oh god..."

Shouta seemed to be frozen as his husband fell into his arms sobbing.


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