Singing Mutes

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Holding on , tightly
Not letting go, always
You were always there,
Scarred and broken
Like a clay pot that fell from the sky,
A warm heart radiating coldness,
Never letting go, never giving up,
Be yourself in all your glory,
Days may come and go but memories never left,
A vanished soul knocking on my door,
Compared to Summer and Winter, this season is unknown
Salvation is light, death is life
Stepping into the unknown, blindly
What my heart yearns for , my soul repels,
Cherry blossoms fall, light and steady, gentle and quietly, fluttering like a dancing bride,
Only time will tell.....................

Sometimes, you don't need to know anything. Sometimes when it is hard to let go, you think you can't but then a time will come , snow will melt , clothes will burn and ashes be reborn, and someday you will let go by your own will, because there is more magic in life than we can find in fantasies

Once in a while a little spice is what you need to pepper everything up, it will come as a puzzle but later on the magic is what we need to put everything together.

Knowing that the end is here or maybe not, it makes me wonder how the beginning was, alittle details yet a blur in my memory

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