An Extended Offer

737 17 3

Tws: vague mention of possibly being taken advantage of, creepy alley convo, uncensored cursing, and anger

Inkinhi stormed through the streets, growling about how she had lost her brother. Her fists were clenched tightly and she looked the most pissed off she's ever been.

In a quick explosion of unadulterated rage, she threw her right arm out to the side, grabbing the heat coming from someone's chimney and throwing it to her left, straight at a lamp post, which caused it to explode. She didn't even flinch as she just continued to walk by.

She had gone back to pick up the pieces of Izuku's phone that were strewn about the one street. She had placed them in her pocket previously, but she took them back out, examining the destruction. She grumbled to herself, knowing exactly why he did it. She can't follow him now. She had no way of knowing where he went.

She thought about walking back to the apartment and pretending nothing had happened, but something from the corner of her eye caught her attention. In the shadows of the alley beside her, she saw something move. She stopped immediately, placing the broken phone back into the pockets of her dress.

The hairs on the back of her neck began to stand. Something was off. Someone in that alley was watching her. Or something. She waited a few seconds before turning her head and looking down it. She saw nothing.

It was getting late out. Despite there being street lamps, it was still quite dark outside. Perhaps she was just seeing things. She was suffering from jet lag just like her father, so it very well could have been hallucinations from lack of sleep. Also, it being well after midnight by now did not help.

She was about to turn and walk away when she saw something move in the far back end of the alley. In fact, it wasn't supposed to even be an alleyway. It was just a short space between the two buildings, turning up to a road on the other side. That wall was in fact moving. The fake wall bent and twisted, letting the light from the other side seep through and give itself away.

Inkinhi walked forward. She wasn't in the mood for fun and games. Why was that person there? And why were they watching her? Suddenly, when she was about fifteen feet away, the phony wall gained two bright yellow eyes. Inkinhi stopped immediately.

"Who the fuck are you?" she demanded. The wall did not respond. "Answer me, bitch." Her temper was beginning to rise again.

"Calm down, young child. I am Kurogiri, the Warp Gate villain." His voice echoed down the alley. Inkinhi made sure she let this stupid wisp guy know that she was not afraid of him and honestly did not care for who he was.

"Young child?" she snarled, her voice louder. She was quite obviously offended. "And don't tell me to calm down. You're the one lurking in the shadows like a creep."

"I do apologize for that. I was simply keeping an eye out for you."

Inkinhi took a step back, disgusted with this villain guy. "And why would you need to do that?"

"I simply admired your tenacity in chasing that young man earlier. You have great strength and a quirk that would work well on our team. I wanted to watch you a bit more, to see if you would be fit to recruit."

The girl's disgust only grew. Recruit for what? A stupid regime that's gonna fail in the end anyways? A useless pack of thugs who don't know what they're doing? This was probably a joke, a way to lure her in and take advantage of her. She took another step back, then flipped off the warped villain.

"Fuck off. I'm an independent person. I do whatever the hell I want to do."

"We have many free-spirited people in our league," Kurogiri said. He was trying to persuade her. But something he said made Inkinhi pause.

"Wait, league?" An awfully ironic term to use.

"Yes, the League of Villains." Inkinhi's scrunched up face slowly began to turn neutral before she smirked. The League of Villains. Everyone had heard of them, even over in America. She knew she recognized the name Kurogiri from somewhere. Now it made sense. If this was the strongest villain group, backed by the notorious All-For-One himself, then...

"The League of Villains, huh? You have my attention."

"I'm glad." Kurogiri shrunk down so he was no longer posing as a wall, standing in front of the teenager at a more reasonable height. "We could use somebody like you. If I'm not mistaken, you have some sort of fire quirk."

Inkinhi rolled her eyes. "Not exactly. I can pull heat from certain areas and redirect it elsewhere, but I can't create actual flames. I am not limited by how much heat I can move, I just can't move any heat made from sunlight."

"What a fascinating ability."


"What are your motives?"

The question caused Inkinhi to stop. Her motives? What did he mean by that? Her motives to strike up villainy? Her motives behind chasing that damned supposed-to-be-quirkless loser?

"I want the scum of the earth to be wiped out. My fuckass of a brother with them." Her tone darkened immediately and her face gave it all away. She was seething, a burning hatred cloaking her vision. It was so plainly obvious to Kurogiri.

The alleyway fell silent, the air growing tense. He opened a gate, then spoke two words. "Join us."

Inkinhi didn't hesitate. She immediately stepped into the gate.

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