Welcome to the League

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"Kurogiri, you've returned," a raspy voice called out as soon as Inkinhi stepped into what looked like a drab, abandoned, two-story house. There wasn't much to it. It looked trashed and beat to hell. Junk lay all over the floor and it was a miracle the place was still standing. For a reputable League, this was kind of pathetic.

Inkinhi looked around at all the eyes that now stared at her. She smirked as the silence filled the room. Everyone seemed to take in her appearance. She figured she would let them do so, analyze her, make sure they knew of her presence.

"...And you've brought someone with you," the raspy voice observed again. Inkinhi saw now who it came from. A man in his mid-twenties perhaps, dressed in all black clothing. He had a hand covering his face so she couldn't tell much from his facial features. But his hair gave it all away. Messy, long, nearly white hair?

"Tomura Shigaraki," Inkinhi spoke as she slowly lowered herself into a respectable bow. "What a pleasure to meet you." Her voice still had an edge to it, as she was still frustrated over the escape of her twin brother. She was so close to killing him. God, and it would have been glorious, too.

Shigaraki stood and Inkinhi fixed herself, standing up straight and staring at him as he did the same to her. After a long, quite agonizing moment of silence, another spoke up.

"So we're just having a staring contest now? Not gonna ask any questions? Why is she here?" The voice came from the far end of the room. A man sitting incorrectly in an overused chair moved his arms so they were resting behind his head. From what Inkinhi could tell, a large portion of his body was covered in purple skin grafts that were stapled to his face. He had bright turquoise eyes and pitch black hair. He genuinely looked disgusting.

Kurogiri was the one to answer the purple man's last question. "I saw this young lady to be a nice fit for the league. Perhaps she can provide us with some valuable assistance."

"Valuable assistance, huh?" Shigaraki muttered. "What's your quirk?"

Inkinhi's smirk only grew. "My quirk is called Heat Magnet. I can transfer any form of heat no matter the temperature from one place to another so long as it wasn't produced by sunlight. If the heat is strong enough, I can produce my own flames with it."

"We already have a fire quirk user amongst our ranks, Kurogiri. What made you think she was more valuable than him?" The man with the skin grafts shifted in his makeshift throne, tuning in carefully to this conversation. The others in the room also leaned forward curiously.

"I did not believe her to be better by any means, Tomura and Dabi. Her values simply aligned well with yours, and she's quite an adept individual from what I was able to observe."

Shigaraki hummed, scratching absent-mindedly at his neck. He wasn't nervous of any sorts. He was simply thinking. But his nails dug into the old scars that were there and he began to slowly open healing wounds. A young, blonde girl behind him, likely around the same age as Inkinhi, reached up and gently grabbed Shigaraki's wrist, pulling his hand away from his raw neck. The infamous villain allowed the girl to do so, folding his arms across his chest instead when she let go.

"I didn't catch your name," Shigaraki pointed out.

"I never threw it," Inkinhi retorted almost on the spot, setting a hand on her waist and extending a leg out to the side. Shigaraki growled.

"You think this is a game, don't you?" Shigaraki began stalking towards her. The greenette's smirk never wavered. "This is a serious organization. We don't have the ability to horse around and do whatever we-"

"Well, then maybe it was a mistake coming here. You certainly wouldn't want me hanging out around here, even if my brother just happens to be Izuku Midoriya. But I'm not exactly known to-"

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