Chapter 5

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Allison's screaming hurt my ears.

"Oh my god!" she cried. "Oooh my God!" Everyone started walking towards her, Max leaving me as they stand in a half circle around her. "Fucking help me what are you doing?!" Sonya and Max creep closer and Sonya sits next to the hysterical redhead now. "Oh my God, he shot my boob! What kind of dick shoots a girl in the boob?! Bee I did not sigh up for shi-" she winces and gasps in pain.

"Stop complaining, stop all your whining." John tells her. What the fuck does he mean stop whining, she was shot! "They're gonna stop growing, they weren't even done!" she says.

"Sometimes you gotta settle alright," John starts. "I got a cousin, Chantelle. Titties flat! Personality real good." I watch him tap his head as he says personality. She continues to cry for a few second when suddenly Sonya sticks her finger in the wound. Allison pushes her away.

"Ow! You fucking bitch! What's wrong with you?! Get away from me with your fucking beret!" Sonya looks at Bee unfazed and a smile grows on her face. "She's gonna bleed out."

As Allison starts whining in protest and arguing with Bee over getting an ambulance, I start to help Cole out of his ropes. I start to count to three with my fingers so we can run while John is making "motor boat" noises. 1... 2... 3... and we're off.

The group takes notice as Cole grabs my hand and we run to the stairs, jumping over the dead cop. They start after us as we race up the stairs. John yells at Cole to stop, but it is Max that I hear. "Y/n baby slow down, come back please!" Cole stumbles on a step and I help him up as John starts to catch up to us. We get to the hallway and Cole stops. I look at him in question when John reaches us. My 90 pound little brother charges at him, pushing with all his might. John stumbles, slips on one of Cole's toy cars, and goes over the railing. I rush forward to try and grab him, but he falls from my reach and I am stopped by the railing.

He hits his head, breaks a table, and is stabbed in the jugular by a award trophy we had on said table. Cole looks at his bloody hands panting we both run down a flight of the stairs and look down at the body. The other three teens stand by the body now. "Right in the jugular. Yeah," Max says as the trophy tilts, running all the way through John's neck. He laughs and Bee looks up at us with an irritated look. "Get 'em." Is all I hear her say before I'm grabbing Cole's wrist and pulling him up the stairs.

"I got 'em." I hear Max say. "Cole, I'm gonna kill you with my bare hands." I try not to think about how he said this to Cole and not me. We run into my brother's room. He locks the door and I know that won't hold Max for long. "You first.", the dirty blonde next to the window tells me. I shake my head. "No you are my little brother, you go first I'll be right behind you." "But-," he goes to argue but I cut him off. "No but's, go." He relundantly starts to climb down the sheets he through out the window earlier.

He struggles down the side of the house as I anxiously bounce my leg, looking between the window and the door that the guy I like is slowly beating open. I hear Cole let out a small yelp, and as I go to see if he is ok, the door bursts open and Max walks in with a faint crazed smile and the cop's blood dripping down the side of his face and neck. I have to admit that even though it's real blood and he is trying to kill my brother, and possibly myself, he looked pretty hot. I blush and his smile widens to a genuine one as he sees me.

He stalks toward my paralyzed form in large strides and looks down at me, cupping my face. "Baby," he starts in a sweet voice, "I need you to tell me where your brother is." I meekly shake my head, hating myself for being so weak in this situation. "Y/n-," he starts to say, but is cut off by the sound of my brother struggling outside. Max smiles a crazed smile and rushes to the window leaning out. "Hey Coley, how's it hanging?"

The well built teen takes a step back and takes hold of the make-shift rope, trying to pull Cole back up to the window. "You're gonna kill me!" The sound of my brother talking to Max in panic awakes me from my trance. I rush towards the man of my affections and grab his arm, yanking it back. "Max, no!" I say in a strained voice.

He stumbles back with me, losing his grip on the rope. Thud! Is the noise Cole's body makes as he falls to the ground. Max is still close to the window and winces at my brother's pain. "Deep breathes buddy," he yells down to him and does a couple deep breathes as an example. Max turns from the window and throws down what of the sheets he had in his hand, his eyes meeting mine. I take a step back as he takes a step towards me. Again and again until my back touches the wall. He looks down at me and I advert my eyes.

"Baby," he whispers, and I close my eyes scared of him being anger at me. "Y/n, look at me." I Slightly shake my head. "Why not?" He questions. "I don't want you to hurt me." I mumble quietly. He moves my hair out of my face and I squint my eyes harder. "Open your eyes," he runs a finger under my eye, "and look at me. I won't hurt you." I want so badly to believe him. "Please, n/n, baby look at me." The way he says it makes me feel guilty, like I'm doing something so wrong.

I slowly open my eyes and let my line of vision look up to his face. He looks at me with such a tenderness in his eyes that I almost for get what all he has done in the past couple of hours. I blush a bright red as a small smile appears on his face. "See," he starts and cups my face in his hands, "I won't hurt you." I nod and my hands grip his wrists. He gives me another smile and plant a kiss on my forehead, then he pulls me closer and places his lips on mine. I kiss back immediately and move my hand to rest on his hips, pulling him closer.

He pulls back to let me breathe and looks so content, but that look quickly fades. "I gotta go. I have to kill him." I drop my arms to my sides and clench my fist, shaking my head. "Baby-" I push him away.


Word count: 1209

I am so so so sorry for the wait! I know this is almost a month late and I apologize. I have been really really busy with school and life and I hope you can forgive me! I will try to update again by the end of next week. Thank you all so much for your support and please enjoy this chapter. Thank you! Until next time my lovelies ~ <3


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