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I had just finished my fifth bottle and I feel a bit drunk... okay may be I am very drunk. 
Hunter has refused to leave my side weirdly and I ordered for another round screaming to the moon! I bop my head to the music playing as the bar tender brings my magic. I lift it to my mouth but it never came, I opened my eyes to see why and I find out some hands were holding it.

“Hey!” I slurred “ it’s my drink not yours, if you want a drink you have to buy okay?

I hear a chuckle that sent chills down my spine. The voice is so deep and manly. I look towards the direction and see hunter looking at me with an amused expression. I look down at my drink again, trying to grab it but failing and I let out a whine like a little girl.

“Stop! I want my drink!” I whined.

“What you need now is a cold shower and a comfy bed, come let’s go" he said as he nodded to the bartender and started leading me away.

“Aren’t you going to pay?” I asked.

“I own this place, I don’t have to pay" He replied as we made our way through the crowd.

He walked beside me shielding me from the drunk dancing bodies all around. I caught a glimpse of vai and I rush to her. She pulled me into a hug and looked down at me like an abandoned puppy before looking up. Her expression changed as though she had just seen a ghost.

“ Vai I’m leaving okay? I’ll see you tomorrow. Tell Lola I love her and I love chase too" i said clearly drunk but vai just nodded and I left with hunter still by my side.

I heard him ask a question but I was too tired to say anything so I hummed the song in my head and I dozed off.
I woke up to the smell of chocolate mint and a very soft bed. I feel a hard but warm teddy bear and I pull it closer smiling to myself as it smelt so good, like chocolate. I sniffed until I heard my phone ringing. I slowly feel around the usual place I keep it but I couldn’t find it, I then opened my eyes slowly and saw someone sleeping beside me, rather I was holding unto that person like my life depended on it, maybe its because of the scent. Then it hit me... who am I holding? My eyes fling open as I see a peaceful looking hunter sleeping beside me and we are still entwined, I could not help but start at him now that we are this close I could see his features vividly, he had such long lashes and defined jaw, they looked so strong. My eyes travelled up to his hair which looked so soft I almost reached out to touch it and I noticed he had a tattoo on his upper right eyebrow, how come I’ve never seen it before? It was a writing but I could not understand it since it wasn’t in English, I lowered my gaze to his lips and I subconsciously swallowed hard as I imagine being kissed by those plum sexy lips.
“Should I kiss you now?” hunter said. I helped and jumped off his body. He pulled me back making himself comfortable all these while never opening his eyes.

“How did you know I was staring?” I asked too embarrassed to look up at him.

“I just know” he replied.

A few seconds passed and his chest moves as one who had fallen back asleep. I contemplate whether to leave or stay on him till tomorrow, honestly I wont complain if it was the latter but i had to go back to the dorm, vai must be worried sick.

“Your friend called, the blond chick, I told her you’ll be coming back this evening “ he spoke still looking as if he was asleep.

I cant just lay on his broad chest all day like a teddy bear doing nothing, I have to move, use this opportunity to snoop around even... i snickered internally.  I bet he has some weird stuffs.

I blinked and looked up at him, his eyes are still closed and his hands are firmly on my waist. I move a bit trying to loosen his grip so I can easily slide out.

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