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We made our way out of the hotel and my driver came to pick us up. Hazel wanted to mingle with the locals and even dance with them. She said their hearts were filled with joy and their souls were entwined in their music. We drove down to a local karaoke club and we alighted. The driver drove off and we made our way in. We spent about an hour there and Hazel knew almost all the music's being played which wasn't a surprise to me since she was super obsessed with these people.

We walked out and down to a nearby market. She tried some fruits offering me some that she found delightful. Some men came to us and started playing their local song. Hayley started dancing and laughing with them. She looked so happy and it made me extremely happy too. She pulled me so that we both would dance despite my pleading. I tried my best to dance but failed. I was a terrible dancer and Hazel snickered at my terrible dance moves.

After about another hour we took the bus that was headed to the beach. I had could not remember the last time I took the bus, I entered the drug business when I was 15 and it only took me some months to start making my bulk money, mostly due to I hadn't been afraid to kill anyone so I usually got what I wanted. An old woman on the bus engaged Hazel in a conversation but she couldn't speak English so I smoothly took over. She asked if we were on our honey moon and I smiled and nodded in agreement. The lady smiled and complimented us saying we looked good together. I replied by complimenting her hair and dress which she took very well.

We reached the beach and Hazel took my hands as we walked towards the water. We stopped at the edge and a couple sat close to us as we took in the beautiful scenery.

"Sam?" a guy called and both our heads shot to him. He looked neat but no tattoo on his body. His brown hair was neatly shaped and his flowery shorts screamed vacation.

"Nate?" hazel replied shock evident on her face. This guy was familiar to her and I could tell but with the way her grip tightened around my arm I could also tell she wasn't quite comfortable with him. Maybe they have bad history.

"You look good, what... what are you doing here?" he asked

"I'm on vacation" she replied.

He nodded his head as his gaze rose to me. He was an average 5'9 so I was taller than him. He stretched out his hands for a hand shake but I hesitated before finally shaking him.

"You friends with Sam?" he asked

I was about to reply when Sam cut me off

"He's actually my boyfriend" she said pulling me closer to her.

He nodded in agreement before letting a small smile. "That's nice. I was thinking maybe I could get your number and we would you know catch up after all these months. I don't like the way things ended between us and I'll like to make up for it " he said scratching the back of his head.

I felt my jaw set in a tight lock and my hand clenched in a tight fist. This guy has some balls.

"There's no need for that. It's all in the past and so are you" Hazel replied and my face broke into a smirk. Serves you right you bastard. He was the guy who broke her so bad she had to take a time off.

I wanted so much to punch his stupid brown eyes. He nodded before saying goodbye and walking the other direction.

Hazel just turned back to the sea as we watched it in silence.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"His name is Nate. He was my first boyfriend" she finally spoke "I loved him with all my heart but I guess the feeling was not mutual" She said nonchalantly "I caught him in bed with some random chick. Blond, great body and full makeup. She looked so perfect so I guess that's why he went for her. I was nothing compared to her"

"You are everything" I said bringing her to look at me. She just smiled.

"After I caught him he didn't even apologise. He just wanted us to continue like nothing ever happened. I had never felt so hurt ever. I cried for days and most nights I would cry myself to sleep. I was just so hurt and confused. Why would he just do that to me after giving him everything. My body, mind and soul. I mean, he just threw it all the window like I meant nothing" she spoke and I could tell how hurt she was about it.

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