The Reunion (Part II) (CH:5)

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General warning : oaths, child abuse in the past, mention of rape.

couple: Hannibal / Will

Disclaimer : I do not own the Harry Potter and Hannibal series

Hannibal walks with calculated steps while carrying his black briefcase with his left hand.

He had left his office quite early that night, since he did not have an appointment; the last was a man named Franklyn Froideveaux, a plump man who had been to nine other psychiatrists before him. The psychiatrist had locked his office building and proceeded to go to the spot where he parked his car, when a fuzzy red figure, a boy, bumped into him. The impact did not affect his robust body, unfortunately not for the boy. The boy had fallen and scratched his knees as he did so, leaving the sweet smells of blood in the air.

"Are you good?" Hannibal asked the boy in his deep, natural voice after a moment. His eyes scanned the little shape in front of him that must have been about three or four years old, like when he was hunting, not that he would hunt and kill the boy just because he ran into him, it was just a quirk. of him as a psychiatrist and murderer.

The boy has silky black hair, pale milky skin, and bright green eyes - the shade of green you've never seen in someone's eyes. He wears a red hoodie with a picture of a cute deer with the words "Please don't eat me!" and gray-white shorts. Hannibal wondered where this young man's irresponsible parents were, leaving a little boy alone.

The boy narrowed his eyes when the sun shines directly on his face, his eyes were red and swollen, as if he had been crying. He watched with amusement as the boy sniffed the air, the action vaguely reminding him of animals that distinguished people by smell. Green eyes widened as the boy spoke the word in a language Hannibal hadn't heard in years.

"Tėti ..?" The toddler exhales, leaving a small space in the mouth. Her expression turned incredulous, although the psychiatrist saw a little hope in her bright green eyes.

The dark blond haired man calmed down, not sure how to react as he looked at the jade eyed boy. It has been a long time since you last heard your mother tongue. Too much time. The sense of nostalgia he felt when the boy spoke made him think deeply. And the fact that the boy called him "father" in Lithuanian made him curious.

He knew that he had never fathered a child, since he had never touched a woman more than he needed, not that he was inexperienced, but the thought never crossed his mind. Of course, many women tried to seduce him, but he was not tempted by those horrible pigs that covered their faces with so many chemicals. And the idea of ​​a lasting relationship had never been attractive to him, not to mention a child. He never liked children. After all, they are loud, messy, and always need attention, like some animals that need to be cared for. And he doesn't like animals. Its fur will make its place dirty, something it detests as it prefers its clean and tidy place. Hannibal stopped thinking when the boy said something.

"No way. That's impossible." The boy muttered under his breath, it was soft, but the psychiatrist can hear him clearly, thanks to his sensitive ears. Hannibal cocked his head slightly to the side, intrigued. It seems that the child can also speak English, which is a great achievement for a child his age. One of his parents must be Lithuanian and the other English, he reflected.

"Do you need help to stand up?" Hannibal asked instead, pretending not to hear what the boy had just said.

The boy blinked, his long eyelashes fluttering slowly before standing up and brushing the dirt off the fabric. She rubs her eyes gently before looking at him again, probably to see clearly this time. Her small face looked up at him in wonder before shaking her head. The little boy's body seemed to relax unconsciously.

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