Eleven: Dead Ends and Scones

11 4 0

17 September


After the tragic death of King  Henri Thorne and the sudden disappearance of  HRH Prince Christopher, Keydon's citizens turn to the kingdom's two remaining heirs. Unfortunately we are  unable to confirm their whereabouts and family members remain tight lipped about the situation. Astor Hemingway, one of the two, was last seen in the central streets of Ealdor.However, the public is unsure of the other. Heather Carlton's last public photo was released nearly 10 years ago, following the disappearance of another royal. Two weeks remain before the coronation and wherever they may be, there is no doubt that the throne is the biggest concern in their minds.

'Have you read this?' Evelynn handed the paper to Heather.

'What for? It holds no significance to our case,' she leaned back, eyeing each customer as they passed through the doors of Rian Square's most popular tea shop. Any one of them could hold the prince prisoner. 'Besides, I'm invisible.'

'What about Mr. Hemingway then?' Evelynn's gaze turned to Astor who was chatting animatedly with a woman a few tables away. 'He isn't invisible like us. All of Keydon could hunt him at a simple command.'

'Mr. Hemingway is more capable than I credit him for,' she drummed her fingers on the table. 'He can manage well without the use of a second family name. And speaking of the devil, here he comes now,' she gave a discreet cough as Evelynn turned to Astor.

'Heather, Evelynn,' he greeted them, his face flushed with excitement. 'I'd like you to meet Amelia Prescott.'

'Evelynn Beckett, pleasure,' she smiled and pulled up a chair.

'Miss Prescott. How are you?'

'Well, Miss Beckett Sr.' Amelia shook Heather's hand. 'You look much paler than you did when we last met. I hope Astor hasn't been the one causing your illness?'

'No, not entirely,' Heather let out a chuckle, the first in their past five days at Rian Square. 'What are you doing here? This is a long way from your house.'

'Well, truth be told, I was brought here by a letter.'

'A letter?' Evelynn sat bolt upright.

'Well, yes,' Amelia smoothed her skirts.' It said the strangest things. Something about fire and a palace?'

'Interesting,' Heather muttered, her fingers tapping faster on the table.

'What is?'

'Do you have any place to stay?' Her smile seemed to brighten as Amelia shook her head. 'Brilliant! How does dinner sound?'


'You fancy her.'

'I beg your pardon?'

Astor and Heather were in the kitchen, doing what they could to prepare a decent meal for their fifth night in Rian Square. Their rented rooms were similar to Heather's so it wasn't much different than any other night.

'You fancy Miss Prescott,' she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

'That's ridiculous.'

'What's ridiculous is that you haven't told her,' she said, her back to him as she set the table. 'We have two weeks until they come up with a decision. Shouldn't you live your life to the fullest before you're condemned to the throne?'

'What about you then?' Astor cleared his throat. 'No special plans?'

'No. I have no intention of taking that cursed crown.'

'What'll you do if you're picked then?'

'Disappear,' she said simply. 'By the time they announce the name, I'll be in Dormant with Evelynn. Heather Carlton will have died and Heather Beckett will live.'

'You were never going to take the throne were you?'

'No, not quite.'

'How is this fair then? All this—'

'I dragged you into this, Mr. Hemingway,' she set down a pot of rice and turned to face him. 'Did you never wonder why I called you to come with? I could've gone ahead on my own.'

'This is a ruse then? A trick to get me to the crown?'

'A three win plan as I like to call it,' she joined him at the table. 'You with the crown and the fame, and I'm able to stay invisible.'

'But benefiting me won't—'

'We're back!' Evelynn called out as she and Amelia entered. 'It's cold out. Is dinner ready yet?' She poked her head through the door.

'Of course, the food is getting colder by the minute.'

'Wash your hands first. Unless you'd like to taste the street with your food' They watched her and Amelia disappear down the hall.

'You'll be ruling the kingdom in 14 days Mr. Hemingway,' she looked at him. 'Take the leap before the cliff crumbles will you?'


Who is this Miss Prescott? And do you think Astor should be chasing after her? Don't forget to comment and vote.

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