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𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐚  ✣✤

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𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐚  ✣✤

Before daddy got back I started to go in my playroom and play with my toys I wanted to paint so I grabbed my canvas and started to paint everywhere on the paper but I made mess on the floor

"oh no daddy's gonna be real mad at me I'm gonna get punished" I
said worried I tried to clean it up with a paper towel but it only spread more "oh no".

"Princess" I heard from downstairs I ran out the room and closed the door softly and
ran to his room and fake sleep "princess" daddy said I fake like I was sleepy and ran to him .

"DADDY!" I jump on him and hug him but he started to walk to my playroom but I ran to door before he can open it.

"Is there something wrong kitten" daddy said "uhhh jah jah what if we play dolls hehe" I say nervously "princess what did you do" "nothing" I say scared but he walks in anyway

"what the fuck happened in here ?!" He yells aggressively looking at me .

"Mila ??! " jah jah says with scary dark eyes and a mad face "uh oh"I say "yeah uh oh bring your ass here NOW" he says "I'm sorry daddy" I say while crying he steps in and step in paint

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"Mila ??! " jah jah says with scary dark eyes and a mad face "uh oh"I say "yeah uh oh bring your ass here NOW" he says "I'm sorry daddy" I say while crying he steps in and step in paint .

"yo what the fuck ? you got paint everywhere mila come here now" he says

"NO!" He walks up to me and chokes me "the fuck you say"he said "I said NO!".

He chuckles " see I was gonna give you a spanking but I think you need a larger lollipop"

"yay a lollipop what kind of lollipop? " I question ?

"Mila you really don't know" he says while pointing at his dagger in his pants
"oh you have lollipops in there" I say .

"Ok so pull down my pants" he say " "ew no daddy that's nasty" I say " MILA DO IT NOW" he say "ok daddy" I say crying a little bit .

I pull down his pants but he told me to pull down his boxers when I pulled it down  a weird strange lollipop came out .

"Daddy what to do with this" I say "ok kitten put your hands on my dick" I do what he says "now pump it up and down" I do it again but I don't remember doing this with lollipops.

"now put your mouth on it" I put on my tongue and I start to do what I do with popsicles I suck up and down while  jerking it up and down "fuck princess" he moans .

Then I felt a weird wet thing in my panties I hope I didn't pee .

Than daddy starts to face fuck me grabbing my hair then he taps me "get up princess" he says panting hard I get up "now I hope you learned your lesson now clean this fucking room up NOW MILA I'm serious"

"ok daddy"

A/N : I lowkey wanna delete ts.

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