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𝐓𝐰: 𝐒𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞

He lied he said he wouldn't hurt me but he did anyway I start to cry and make a letter.

I know you weren't expecting this
You all thought I was fine
Well you were wrong
I've been bullied ,tormented beaten , and ripped apart

My sound has been blackened And shattered into a million pieces
Tiny fragments that will never be put back together those tiny fragments
Making holes and slashes in my body
Oozing blood

Darkness is just a myth
There is no darkness when you like me,
There is no darkness,the world looks exactly the same

The sun still shines and the moon still changes
Waxing and waning every month
But you perspective on the world changes
Everyone hates me

Good by love , 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫

I bet no one even cares write now I go on tik tok to post this video


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Comments: user606:who cares

milaxroblox:I don't get it it's a apple

daddyjah10:lol she using x for money anyways

thewoo893882:does this mean she finna kill herself ??

imthecoochieman:not her fishing for likes she not finna khs

like I said no one cares .

right now Jahseh was chilling on his couch not even caring about anyone or anything right now but he got a text message from ming .

Ming👶:bro you messed up bad

jahseh:what are you talking about ?

Ming 👶: vro its summer she finna kill herself

Jahseh: how you know

Ming 👶:bruh I'll just send you the video or check TikTok

Jahseh: stop lying retard

Ming 👶: jah just go get her before she is dead!

jahseh gets the video and starts to tear up he gets up and throw his shirt on and gets ready to go to summers house he starts to regret about the problems he caused her.

he calls her but she ignores him "bruh get the fuck out the fucking way !" he starts to beep the horn and panic but

It was to late

"finally it's over " I say my phone starts to blow up

"oh look how they care about me now that I'm going to end it" i says I put up the rope and put it in a noose and a stool under it i step on it and put my head through the rope and tighten it than I say my last words before I kick the stool .





And last of all


I jumped and I struggled to breath than I lost it I'm dead now

                                                                       𝙽𝙾 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝙿𝙾𝚅

When Lacey went to her room and screamed and began to dial the police.

when the police and ambulance came but it was to late she was dead , and then jahseh ran outside and saw her body in a bag and started crying "please come back come back baby im so sorry"he says sobbing

A few weeks later everybody went to her funeral except for jahseh because he didn't want any problems right now jahseh was laying in bed sad .

flashbacks keeps coming she was so beautiful he was drunk and didn't know what to do he goes to sleep wishes  to spend another life time with her

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