part 9

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The whole investigation;bangs,taps,doors slamming. Nothing seemed to make Dakota jump. He just stayed quiet,only ever looking at the ground when something happened,kind of as if he was numb.You had kept your eye on him all night and right now you were drawing beds on who will sleep where. Dakota stayed quiet with his arms cross, he just watches as Tanner writes the beds down. Noticing you staring he looks at you. No sort of emotion on his face. "Oh yoooo nope" you stand behind alex who is unaware of what's going on. "What the fuck is wrong with dakota" as soon as you say this, all cameras are pointed towards an emotionless Dakota still stood staring at you. "I am not being funny but Dakota if you are just in a bad mood, stop because you are scaring me" you shout whilst using Alex as a shield. You watch as chelsea walks over to the control room light switch, flicking it on. "Why you in such a bad mood?" Chelsea questions pointing the camera at the taller boy. His arms uncross as his stare goes from you too chelsea making her step back behind Tanner. "You are being creepy stop" she says now as worried as you are. You watch as tanner slowly walks forward making chelsea move next to you behind Alex. Standing infront of Dakota,he goes to rest a hand on his shoulder. Only for Dakota to stop him by grabbing his wrist before it even touches him. "You are scaring the girls dude.." his voice soft and some what dominant. You watch as dakotas eyes go from Chelsea to you and it's like something had clicked. He removes his hand from tanners wrist and walks outside making you all let out a sigh of relief. You all pick rooms after debating whether Dakota should just stay on the RV. Just as you go to speak the door opens and Dakota comes walking back in,the same look in his eye of just pure emotionless. He hadn't spoke since you had gotten into this building. He joins you all in the circle as his eyes flicker to yours. You notice his eyes were a darker brown,trained on yours. You stare back until you notice his dark brown ones slowly filling up. "Hey...hey what's wrong" you say quietly,staying still. A tear drips down his cheek as he shrugs and you let out another sigh of relief, attest he was showing some sort of emotion. "Okay dakotas gonna stay with me" you say as you all pack up your stuff and walk to your areas. With your free hand,you intertwine your fingers with his. His grip not as strong as usual. Instead of using a bed you opted for just a blanket. Placing the camera on the tripod and another one infront of you,You sit on the cold concrete and yank him down beside you. Wrapping the wool around you both you look up to the boy who was still desperately wiping away tears. "Dak what's wrong babe" you brush some fallen hair over his ear as his eyes meet yours once again. "I dont know....this fucking buildings making me feel like shit" he whispers,his voice strained and dry. You frown,confused. "I keep getting pissed off at little things then in a matter of a second I feel really poorly and like I could throw up" the tears on his cheeks glistened as he spoke. He rubs at his eyes again,trying to stay strong. "Babe you cant let it effect you...dont let it win" you hand goes to his hair,lightly stroking it. You knew he was trying to stay strong,I mean....that's all Dakota ever did. .

Flash back sponsored by random people breaking into the investigation last episode

You all jumped into the lake,throwing eachother in from the pier. Chelsea laughed as tanner pushed her and bella (Chelsea's sister) in. The boys were effectively trying to drown eachother and you couldnt help but think where Dakota was. He was usually the one doing something stupid but you hadn't seen him all day. You excuse yourself from the group and throw a large tshirt on over  your swimming costume and go up to his bedroom. Knocking the door you get no response. You knock again and end up just walking in. You see the brunette laying on his stomach on his bed. Your heart breaks,he had been up here all this time crying. Slipping off your sandals you walk and climb onto the double bed. Resting your chin on the pillow beside his head. Your right hand slowly strokes his hair,brushing your fingers through it gently. After a few minutes his head turns to rest on the pillow and his red glistening eyes peer at yours. "What wrong Dak?" You whisper as he gives you a weak smile. "I'll be okay Elizabeth,dont worry" you sigh quietly "that wasnt my question,what's wrong?" His eyes close as he breathes in slowly. "Mom and dad have been fighting recently, it's just stressing me out. It's always go tell your mom this and go tell your dad that...I feel like a messenger and when ever one of them are mad,I get the shouting" you frown seeing the boy who had always protected you looking so fragile. You didnt really know what to say, so instead you shimmy forward,cuddling up to him. His arm wrapping around your shoulders before he kisses you on the head. You were slightly shocked,this was new. As he rests his head on yours you feel him sigh and slowly drift off the sleep.

Flash forward? Yeah you get me.. we going to present. Why isnt it called flash past and not flash back...I dunno

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Destination Fear - Dakota LadenWhere stories live. Discover now