Chapter 8- Forgotten

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During the drive to school on Monday, my stomach churned. All weekend, I had thought about Darcy Williams and our almost kiss. It haunted both my dreams and my waking hours. First I was confused- why did she do that? Was she just messing with me? Then I was angry- how dare she do that? What gave her the right to mess with me like that? And finally, I was terrified- what if someone had seen us?

My thoughts were full of questions, anxieties and Darcy. I knew I needed to speak to her, to clear things up, to try and explain that I was a bit too drunk to think straight that night, but the thought of seeing Darcy again made my stomach descend into nervous flutters.

"You okay? You look like you're going to pass out or something," Jane spoke from beside me. She glanced at me for a moment before turning her attention back to the road.

"I'm fine," I sighed, turning to look out the window, resolving to not think of Darcy Williams until I had to see her again. I'd deal with the situation then.

"Okay, I'll accept that for now because I have a question for you. Do you know Darcy Williams?"

I froze and my heart thumped in my chest. Did Jane know?

"Hardly," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "She's in a few of my classes. Why do you ask?"

I waited for her answer, anxiously, a blank expression on my face. Maybe she saw Darcy drive me home in the rain? Did she know about Friday night? My stomach twisted at the thought. It's not like I kissed a girl, though. But confusingly enough, I wanted to kiss her- did it show on my face that night? Did someone see us and tell Jane about it?

"I know someone who is friends with her. What do you think of her?"

I balked.

"Huh, w-what?" I stuttered.

"What is she like?"

"Why do you want to know?" I asked, trying not to sound as panicked as I felt.

Jane sighed.

"There's this guy in my homeroom, and apparently he's best friends with her. They seem really cozy on Instagram. He's really sweet and stuff, but I don't want to get in the middle of something, you know?"

I let out the breath I was holding, hoping that my relief wasn't too apparent. After the panic subsided, I realized how silly I'd been. Why would Jane know about anything between Darcy and me? I didn't even know what was going on.

"She seems a bit snobbish, but nice enough, I suppose. And don't worry about her and this guy. I think she has a thing with this boy from our homeroom. Daniel or something."

"Daniel Bingley?" she asked, surprised.

"Yes." And then it clicked. According to Imani's valuable intel, Darcy was best friends with Daniel Bingley and his older brother. "Wait, are you talking about his older brother?" I smirked at Jane.

"Yes," she sighed, pulling into a parking spot, "and I'll let you grill me later, but I'm gonna be late. I have to get something from the office before homeroom."

I got out of the car and let Jane hurry away. Slinging my backpack onto my shoulder, I scanned the crowds gathered outside the school for Imani. I spotted her, standing next to Harry and Akina. Akina was gesturing wildly at Harry with a tray of coffee in her hands. I winced as I walked up to them, expecting the coffee to go flying at any moment.

Akina stopped when I reached them, and turned to me.

"So, darling, how was the date with the delightful Wickham?" She asked, handing me a coffee, "I didn't know what to get you," she added, "So I just went with black."

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