Chapter 7~The greater good

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Monday. The day passed obnoxiously slowly, consisting of quadruple Herbology and Professor Jinx giving Harry a hard time.

The teacher was a bit nicer at first, he had been completely oblivious to Harry's current mental state. Although, it didn't take long for Jinx to start making Harry's life hell once more, taking points from Gryffindor at whatever chance he could get. As much as Harry hated the man, he was also quite happy that since the incident he wasn't treating him any differently, he really didn't want the prat's sympathy.

Tuesday was the worst, he left Potions class with minus 30 points for Gryffindor. Students assumed Harry was just tired and kept 'falling asleep', but really he kept fainting almost every five minutes, due to his constant purging.

Harry also lost 10 points in Charms because, even though Professor Flitwick was a lot gentler, Harry did lose consciousness nearly eight times throughout the lesson; Flitwick was actually quite kind only taking ten.

Now it was Wednesday. Harry had never been more nervous in his life, and he's fought Voldemort so that's really saying something. Harry hadn't really seen Draco for the past few days, he sort of backed off since the argument at breakfast. On Monday, he swore he saw a blonde boy run into the bathroom, but he was dragged to Transfiguration by Hermione before he could check.

Right now, Harry was sitting in his dark dorm room on his bed, staring into space. He was supposed to be reading a charms book he got from the library, but he just couldn't get a certain Slytherin out of his mind and he felt like he was going insane.

He checked his watch, 8:00.

Two more hours... Harry waited.

One hour...

Thirty minutes...

Ten minutes...


Shit, I've got to go.

Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak from under his bed, the wrapped it around himself. He looked down at his, now nonexistent, body and was a little startled at first. Harry had done this millions of times, but it never got any less weird when his body disappeared.

The golden boy crept over to the bathroom to check his hair, trying his hardest not to wake the others. Once he passed Ron's snoring bed and reached the bathroom, he let out a large sigh of relief. However, when Harry started to fiddle around and flatten down his hair, he wondered why on earth he was doing it.

Who the fuck am I even trying to impress?! God, why does his hair have to be so blonde and perfect? Now he's made me all self-conscious of my dark, messy hair! Ugh, this is stupid.

Harry messed up his dark hair with his hands aggressively, then sauntered out of the bathroom with the cloak fully over his head. After what felt like years, he finally reached the towering, wooden door and exited his warm dorm room.

Bye guys, see you soon... hopefully, Harry thought to himself before walking off into the darkness of the hall.
Monday. Draco ran into the men's room with tears threatening to fall. He clutched a piece of parchment in his right hand as he escaped into the toilets.

He looked around, he had been in this room before and the memory wasn't a bright one. Draco saw himself crying at the mirror, the weight of the world on his shoulders. He saw sixteen-year-old Harry Potter wander through the large door, anger flaming in his shimmering green eyes. "I know what you did Malfoy! You hexed her, didn't you!?

Draco remembered why he cast the first spell at Harry, why he had lashed out so violently.

It was because all he really wanted was Harry to hug him, to hold him. The dark side had been killing him slowly and he really needed the comfort, but he didn't want it from his friends, he wanted it from Harry. And this confused him, made him frustrated; so he did the only thing he knew to do, attack.

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