My consciousness came back with a jolt. There were hands pulling me away from the flames. Flames that were licking at the furnature, burning the walls, burning the carpet, coming toward me, coming towards me fast.
The hands were not sleeved but I knew who it was, I could be Jacob, he was gone...dead, dead from a fire just like this one, in this house, just like this one; posh, comforting and modern and this house, this double all of what was happening it is all déjà vu...
I looked behind me so fast that my neck cracked...pain, pain worse than the flames. Pain that seared through her spine, her neck, her head, and her skull.
Everything was on fire around me and now inside me was on fire as well...pain.
Tears and sweat, heat, pain amd hands all mixed up and finally the colours of the rainbow and more, more colous that I have never seen before, it's all I can think about, and I can't breathe.
Light, a silver glow... a tunnel? I'm standing, standing on glowing silver, pleasantly worm under my bare feet, wait, what? Bare feet, since when? I looked down, I'm not wearing my pyjamas anymore; I'm in some sort of fashionable robe thing, it looks ancient with patterns of horses and meadows and wildflowers on it, embroidery around the collar, but for some reason I love it, it suits me.
I look up my robe and see a tunnel, yes it's a tunnel. I try out my walking steps and find that the pain is gone, all the pain, the burns and my spine and neck they are all gone, I relax, I don't know why I'm relaxing in this place.
This strange place far from home. I walk one step and the silver seems to ripple away from my feet. I try again and again, then I run, just enjoying the feeling of running in a silver tunnel, the light changing with every step I take.
Short StoryLayla is a powerful girl and she always has been, but she has become weaker than she has been in her whole life, it is all crumbling apart and falling without a trace into a mess of friends, boyfriends, and when her brother is in a terrible accident...