Chapter 19

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I'm sorry this took me 12 years to get out, writers block decided to slap me across the face for literally no reason and it was incredibly hard to write this chapter. But it is the last chapter of this story so I hope you all like it and it's a good ending. I've always been bad at endings, I don't like letting things go. Thank you for reading this story I appreciate all of you and again I'm sorry for being late with the last chapter.

"This soup is surprisingly good considering you put a lobster soul in here." You said eating another spoonful "Actually how does that even w-"

"You should appreciate it more! I could have used it to make a perfect sandwich." Jake whined

"That never ends up working out for you." Finn said between mouth fulls

"Today could have been the day Finn. Today could have been the day." Jake murmured

"Well thanks for lunch. Sorry about your sandwich." You said putting your bowl in the sink and heading to your room

When you crossed the bridge you halted upon seeing the clouds, they were arranged in such a way that when the sun shone between them it looked as though you could see the heavens. It was beautiful.

"Hey Y/n?" Finn asked coming to stop by you

"Yeah" you asked looking over to him curiously

"Uh, do you want to- only if you want to um... doyouwanttogoonadate?" he rushed while blushing

"Huh?" You asked confused

"Er..." he took a deep breath and seemed to calm down " D-do you want to go on a date with me?" he asked nervously

"Yes!" You brightened immediately, you felt a blush rise to your cheeks but you were still excited

"Awesome!" he said relaxing

"let's go." he said taking your hand, you headed down stairs and out the door

"Are we going on another dungeon adventure?" You questioned

"No." he shook his head "We're going to a party." He grinned

"A party!?" You asked excitedly

"Yeah, I'm not telling you where though." he said

"I've never been this way before" You said when you noticed you were heading behind the tree house rather than the sides or the front.

"I'd be surprised if you had." He agreed

"How far away is it?" You prompted

"Not too much farther." he said

"What's your favorite food?" he asked after a minute

"Huh? I guess... F/f." You answered "What about you?"

"Meat loaf." He replied

"Oh, I've heard of th-"

"We're here!" he interrupted

You looked to where he was pointing, there were six people sitting on benches or talking to each other. The actual place was seated right next to a cliff that seemed pretty bottomless

"Where is here?" You asked confused

"Just wait." he smiled

After a few minutes you were about ready to ask what the heck you were doing waiting by a bottomless pit when a buzzing sound reached your ears

You perked up in confusion and Finn pointed over the cliff in the sky, there was what seemed to be a cloud descending from the sky and you blinked in confusion. It didn't take much longer before it lined up with the side of the cliff and you could see what was on the cloud. There was a metal roof over it and a sign scrawled on the side that read

Adventure Time (Finn x reader)Where stories live. Discover now