10 years...

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Heyo! I'm so so sorry for not updating in a long time but I hope I can start uploading more!!! Also this will mention one of my own ocs called Xander (used to be called Alex) So a little backstory: Tom and Xander met when Tom was 7 and when Xander was 9 and they just clicked, started dating when Tom was 11 so just over 10 years, Xander is a lovely guy but they have a long distance relationship due to Tom's and Xander's work.

Tom Holland's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear, I groaned as I rolled over and stopped the dreadful ringing. It was 7:30 and I need to be in set by 9:40 but I liked waking up earlier it gives me time to relax, wake up but my favourite thing is that I get to text my amazing, wonderful boyfriend Xander. Xander and I have been dating for about 10 years and it has to be the best 10 years of my life, I love him to death.

I open my phone and tap on Xander's name.



Good Morning babe! x


Morning baby x

Hey babe, we need to talk x


What's up? x


Um, I love you I really do like more than words can explain but the distance is killing me. I want to be with you everyday of my life, I want to wake up to your gorgeous smile and beautiful, true eyes but with our work its difficult. Maybe we can make this work in the future but until we can discuss this in person, face to face, I think we should maybe take a break. I feel like we aren't as connected or as close as we used to be. I'm sorry.


Oh, if that's what you think is for the best then of course. I love you.

End of texting


I didn't even realise I was crying until I felt a tear hit my hand, I looked at the time and saw it was 9:35. I quickly wiped my tears and got changed before rushing out of my trailer, I felt my face go slightly numb and my happy facade slipping, I've never ever cried infront of someone other than my best friends Amelia and Nikki. And I would usually go to them when I was sad or needed a distraction but with me only having like 2 minutes to get to set and then acting I won't have time too. I arrive outside the door to set and take a deep breath and putting on my best fake smile before heading in and acting out my scenes but also acting happy and excited while deep inside I knew that my heart was shattering and my facade was already cracked.

-----------------------NEXT DAY----------------------

Chris Evans's POV

I don't know if it was just me but Tom Holland was acting rather strangely yesterday, he seemed like how he seems when he's trying to not spoil something. I'm going to keep an eye on him I think.

——————2 weeks later——————

No ones POV

Everyone has noticed Holland's strange behaviour and decided that it was time that Chris Evans, as he was the first to notice, and Scarlett Johansson, cause of girl power, would go and talk to him.

——————Saturday night——————

Scarlett Johansson POV

Chris and I walked to Tom's trailer and knocked before we heard a quiet 'come in' we opened the door and saw Tom sitting on his bed looking at a photo frame with bloodshot eyes.

I swear you could hear the sound of my heart shattering at the sight of the happiest person in, possibly, the world sat with red eyes, curled in a ball, obviously looking at something special.

We approached the bed and sat down opposite Tom.

"Hey there bud" Chris said.

"Hey" Tom replied.

"What's been going on these past two weeks huh?" I asked carefully.

He took a deep breath and started to explain.

"Um, I, *sniffles* there was this guy his name was Xander, he was the most amazing, incredible and just wonderful person in the world. We met when I was 7 and he was 9 and we clicked, became best friends and when I turned 11 he asked me to be his boyfriend, I said yes and we are, or erm, were dating for like 10 years or maybe a bit more but 2 weeks ago he said that the distance was getting too much and that we should take a break. I agreed because I want both of us to be happy, but I guess he was a pair of bright and happy coloured wings and I was a dark and drained coloured bird that became bright, happy and was finally able to fly when the we were together but now that my wings are gone my colours have drained and I can no longer fly. I guess that is the best way I can describe how I'm feeling, sorry this turned into more of a monologue hasn't it *chuckles*" 

We started in slight shock, for 2 reasons mainly, 1 being we weren't expecting an answer that easily and 2 being how he explained it.

"Um, t-this is my favourite picture of us, it was taken about 3 years ago." He said as he passed us the picture.

The rest of the night was Chris and I talking to Tom about everything and seeing more pictures of them together, you could sense their connection the more you saw and heard about them.

———————Time Skip———————

No ones POV

The next day Scarlett got Xander's number and found out that he was just the same mess as Tom and after Chris and Scarlett told the rest of the cast about everything they secretly got Xander on an aeroplane and flew him over and let's say that the 9th of November became a very special day and that Tom got a surprise with a stronger relationship and stronger connection than last time because on the 9th of November Tom Holland Zander Khan got back together and stayed together forever.


Cringy ending I know my I kind of had to hurry as my phone has 2%and I really want to upload this today! I hope you enjoyed it and hope you like Zander cause you'll probably be reading a bit more of him if you want too because I know that I want to write more about him. Anyways hope you enjoyed!



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