Loss Of Focus

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Tom Holland's POV

When I woke up I instantly knew that today was going to be a pain, you see when I was 7 I was diagnosed with mild ADHD, so when i got the part of spiderman I had to tell the directors about it because I didnt want it to affect anything but thankfully they were very understanding and with that I think we all forgot all about it and as it was only the directors that knew nobody else would have to worry about it.

I got dressed and went down to the studio, once I was inside I sat down on the couch but as soon as I did my gaze was instantly on the floor ahead of me, my foot tapping the floor in a rapid pace that my leg was aching (but I couldn't do anything about it), and unconsciously I was scratch my hand.

I was so focused on that I didn't even notice my name being called.

Joe Russo's POV

I went over to Tom Holland when it was time for his scene with Robert and Benedict when they first arrive in space.

"Hey Tom, time for your scen-"

I stopped when I noticed his state, his gaze on the floor (occasionally dotting to another part of the floor then back again), his foot tapping angrily and his hand red from scratching it. His ADHD must be playing up today.

I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me and stopped what he was doing.

"Oh, sorry"

"Its fine, it playing up huh?"

"Yeah" he said scratching neck

"Its ok, we can do the scene in everyone's normal clothes and I'll just say that your not feeling great?"

"That would be good, thank you"

"No problem, c'mon then"

Time skip
After Joe explained everything and RDJ and Benedict asked Tom if he was ok

Tom's POV

I couldn't focus on anything, one moment my mind would be set on the scene, then a second later I would be thinking about a purple rabbit in a bright yellow tux smoking a blue feather.

Joe's POV

I knew Tom was struggling and Anthony knew too, so we decided to just call it off.

"CUT! Alright we are gonna stop, Tom can't do it." Anthony yelled.

"Oh, but we have like 3 scenes to film today then this part will be done" Robert stated, knowing that it will be over soon if Tom could hold on a bit longer, he had a point but if he's struggling now he's gonna be worse later.

" Tom I know this isn't Ideal but it will be easier if everyone knew so we dont have this happening."

" Tell them" Tom said in a whisper.

"Tom has ADHD so he struggles to focus some days aren't bad but today is so we're gonna stop now and let him rest" I said calmly.

Benedict and Robert's face turned to sympathy for the young actor and the rest of the day Tom tested, sometimes spending time with free actors, sometimes in his trailer watching a movie but he was beginning to focus a bit more now than he was earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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