Sleep Deprived

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No ones POV

Holland's schedule has been torture lately his routine went from zero to a hundred, his schedule contains:

6:00 - wake up
6:10 - changed and having breakfast
6:20 -> 7:40 - gym
7:50 -> 18:30 - lunch/acting
18:40 -> 21:10 - talking/chilling with other cast members/dinner
21:15 -> 22:30 - meeting with managers
22:40 -> 1:00 - phoning family

And even with the 5 hours to sleep, and even then 1 of those hours consists of terrible nightmares.

In total Tom hasn't had a full night's sleep in around 11 days (A/N I did look this up) and you could tell if you looked carefully enough that he wasn't himself, he had bags around his eyes that he covered with makeup, he was pale and a bit sluggish.

The cast noticed this and tried to ask him if he was ok but Tom being Tom always said he's fine. The actors got increasingly more worried about him after 5 days and always kept an eye on him, thinking he just had a bug or something but didn't think it was from lack of sleep.

So when it came to the twelfth day with barely any sleep, and the cast thinking he's just sick, they kept an extra eye on him and asking him if he's ok Tom got slightly worse, with the extra questions and extra eyes on him made him try and act more like his usual self.

Tom Holland's POV

My life lately has been the equivalent of hell with a overbearing schedule and keeping a happy and energetic facade up, I genuinely believe this is what death feels like.

I have just got back to my trailer after my meeting with my managers and checked the time it was 22:40 I got changed into my pjs and sat on my bed and took a deep breath  closed my eyes but that was a mistake, I instantly felt the sleep I've missed hit me properly so I forced my eyes opened.

'I still need to call my family, I need to stay awake!' I told myself.


I must of said that out load, I mean why else would there be a knock at my door at this time of night.

Tom Hiddleston's POV

I was walking around outside because I just couldn't stop thinking about Holland. I mean he looked like he was going to pass out! As I was walking past his trailer I heard, what sounded like him, speaking and listened closely.

"I still need to call my family, I need to stay awake!"

After that I knocked on the door,

'Its 22:40 at night!' I said in my head.

"Come in"

I opened the door and sat on his bed.

"Why are you up this late at night?"

I watched as he sighed and grabbed a piece of paper. I took it and looked at it, it was a timetable, 'wait, if that's when his day ends he will only get 5 hours sleep' as if he could read my mind he said

"I would have 5 hours sleep but I get really bad nightmares and that usually take around an hour off"

I put his schedule down and looked at him

"I'm not leaving until you fall asleep, you can miss calling your family tonight and I'll call them in the morning explaining what's going on. I'll also be talking with your managers about your timetable because this is too much for anybody" I said sternly

No one POV

the rest of the night was Tom Hiddleston making sure that Tom Holland slept and in the morning Hiddleston did exactly what he said and Holland finally got the right timetable for him.

Sorry that the endings a bit rushed but I wanted to get this out as soon as possible! I have a lot more ideas and I can't wait to write them and post them!



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