Chapter 10

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Dream's P.O.V

I'm going to see Ink today! I don't know why or how, but it feels like k have butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm with him!

And when he compliments me if feels like I just won a Oscar.
(Yes, I just added that. Also sorry, I'm not good at describing what love feels like. I don't know much about it myself.)

I slipped inside of the base where he said he would be.

"I'm here!" I shouted as I closed the door behind me.
Ink was sitting on the couch, doodling. But when he noticed me he dropped his pencil and went up to me.

I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back.

"Hey, Dream! Why do you keep leaving all the time?" He asked. Does this mean he's worried about me, this made me excited.

Maybe he does like me back!

"Oh! I've just been hanging out with Fresh! He's been going through some rough times!" I said in a voice that was actually happy, not my usual fake one.

"Alright, come on! I have gotten a ton of recommendations by people to watch this new show. But I wanted to wait for you so we could watch it together." I was now blushing a bright, very noticeable, golden color.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I grabbed his hand and started pulling him to the television. He picked up his pace and now we were practically holding hands.

Ink's P.O.V

Dream started pulling me to the living room, I watched the small skeleton. He had so much joy in his eyes right now. Actual joy, it wasn't fake like usual.

He's so cute.

But, as much as I invited him to hang out because I wanted to spend time with him. I also wanted to find out about Fresh, maybe Dream could give some clues about Blue and Fell's disappearances.

I don't think Dream did it!
I actually think it was Fresh.

All the disappearances have happened when they started hanging out.
And they were all people who knew Dream, and Blue even had a crush on him.
I don't know if Fell did, but he might've.

If that's the case then Fresh might be a yandere, and he is probably after Dream.
But, I will figure this all out and make sure Dream is safe!

That's my job, I am the protector of aus.
And Dream's my best friend, I won't let anything happen to him!

After I had watched a couple episodes I thought it was time for a little break, maybe I could get answers this way.

"So, Dream. I'm sure you know about Fell and Blue." I saw his eyes grow duller. He nodded.

"Do you have any leads to what might've happened to them?" I asked.
He shook his head no.

"Oh, alright then. Let's just change the subject. How's it been hanging out with Fresh?"

"He's always very sweet to me! He listens and always makes sure we are both having fun! He is overprotective, but I'm sure he just is trying to make sure I stay safe!"

"Can you tell me more about how he is overprotective?" I asked, glad I got something that could lead to what happened.

"Oh, well. When like someone will state at me he will grab my hand and have us to faster. Things like that."

"Well it sounds like things are going good for you two! I'm going to go to the bathroom and put my notepad away, he right back." I got up and headed upstairs to my room.

I closed the door and started writing down some of the things Dream told me and so I could come up with some sort of hypothesis.

Then, I heard the wind from outside. I looked at my window. That's weird, did I forget to close it. I went to it and looked around.

There was nothing.
I just closed it and began writing again.
Then, I heard the wind and the leaves rustle again.

Something is definitely going on. I looked out the window again.
This base is like a mansion or castle, and I sleep on the third floor.
I looked at the tree that is right next to my window, it's a good way to sneak inside of escape that I've used before.
Then I looked at the drop below me, a drop from this height could kill someone.

I heard something whispered right into my ear.
"Bye, Ink."

I turned my head to look, it was to late.
I was already out the window and going down.
But I noticed something.

I noticed a very bright, colorful skeleton with sunglasses.


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