No.1 - Undercover

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Summary- Deeks and Kensi go undercover us a married couple to catch a terrorist. Further into their Operation they realise their 'thing' has become more serious. What will happen.

A/N This is my first book and I'm really excited. This book will also include some short stories about Neric.

The terrorist name idea came from amberjadecatherine and this book is inspired by GinaCallen (who is an amazing Densi fanfiction writer).


Chapter 1.

Kensi's POV

I walked into OSP this morning kind of distracted. I was expecting an important text from my Mum. I stared at my phone like I was worried it was going to run away.

"Jeez Fern, you're watching that thing like a hawk," smiled my shaggy haired partner

" I'm just expecting an important text from my Mum that's all." I replied with a small smile.

"Oh, okaaaay then... sooooo..." he was cut off

"Ms Blye, Mr Deeks my office,"

We got up and made our way to Hetty's office. I don't know why but I had a strange feeling in my stomach.

Chapter 2.

Deeks' POV

"Ms Blye, Mr Deeks, my office," We made our way to Hetty's office. "As of tomorrow, you will both go undercover as Mr and Mrs Ryan and Tracey Ford. You're going undercover to catch terrorist Abdah Hazik. So, Ms Blye you will be an accountant in the same business as Shahira his wife also presumed a terrorist and Mr Deeks you will be a new member to Mr Hazik's gang. Mr Deeks, you come from a background of arms dealing, and will need to be friend Hazik and Ms Blye you come from a background of navy seals."

She handed us a file " So in there is your backstory and some more information on what your investigating. I will also need your phones, some new ones will be provided for you in your undercover home along with a laptop so you can keep us up to date with how you're going once a week should be fine If you can't contact us we would like you to send us a text. There's also an 'agents in distress' button on each of your phones when one of you press this button agents will be at your location in minutes. That is all now go home and get packing you've got a long couple of months ahead of you. Good luck."

Chapter 3.

Kensi's POV

During the car ride home Deeks and I quizzed each other on their backstory. It wasn't that hard to remember. We had fallen in love as a result of Deeks dating my best friend. After they broke up we waited a while and started dating, after a couple of months Deeks proposed to me on a cruise in the Caribbean's. We didn't go on a honeymoon because we spent it all on the cruise and our wedding. We've now been married for two years and thought we needed a change of scenery so we moved.

"Here we go," said Deeks "I'll see you back here in an hour," he continued.

"Thanks," I said as I got out of his car. I got to my front door when Mum's important text came through.

Mum- Hey, Kens I'm coming back to LA for a couple of days and there's someone I want you to meet.

Mum had been in DC for the last few weeks and I have wanted to see her for ages but I just got a case.

Kensi- Mum I'm really sorry but I've just had something important come up at work and I won't be in town for a few months. I'm so sorry :'(

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