Not so new

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Three weeks go by and Y/n is already used to the school her classes and already made friends. Homecoming was in a week, everyone was already asking people to go with them.

Y/n didn't expect anyone to ask her so she didn't get too excited about it, "Hey Y/n wait up" Tubbo yells. Y/n turns around and sees Tubbo running to her, "Sorry...I um wanted to know if you wanted to go to homecoming with me and friends we don't have dates so it could be the three of us haha" Tubbo says with a smile on his face, Y/n giggled "Sure Tubbo".

Y/n and Tubbo walk to lunch and they see George with flowers, "Oi Tubbo why does George have flowers?" Y/n ask, Tubbo looks over and raises his eyebrow "I have no clue Y/n let's go find out". Y/n and Tubbo walk to the table and take a seat.

Y/n looks at George with a confused look on her face, "Oh these are for um...all of you it's just enough haha" George says with his hand behind his neck. The whole table looks at George confused, "Uh dude you said they were for y/-" Eret said but was cut off by George "THE TABLE I said they were for the table Eret".

Dream looks at George with a confused look, Dream could tell George was about to burst with embarrassment "Aw thanks George give me the green one please" Dream says with a small wheeze. George goes down the line asking everyone which one they wanted, when he got to y/n his heart started pounding.

Y/n looked at George with a small smile on her face, "Um which one Y/n their is a red rose and a pink rose" George said smiling, Y/n looks at the two flowers and loved both of them, George picked up that she couldn't choose between the two "You can have both Y/n" George hands her the two flowers and walks to the trash can to throw away the rubber bands and paper.

The lunch workers then came out from the back with a cart with trays on them, cart number 17 caught the whole tables eye because they all sit on table 17. "Ouuuu that looks good it's BBQ chicken WITH MAC AND CHEESE" Sapnap yells with excitement, Y/n laughs when she hears him say that, the cart with food arrives at their table the lady hands each person on the table a plate of food with a water bottle.

Y/n gets her plate and starts to open the water bottle and takes a sip, before she could close it a girl snatches her bottle out her hand " Aw is Ms.England thirsty here's some water" as she was saying water she poured the water on top of Y/n and makes her hair wet and the top of her shirt soaked. "Hahaha". The table stays still not having a clue what to do, George gets up grabs a BBQ chicken leg and rubs it all over the girls fancy shirt, " AHHHHH THIS IS A NEW SHIRT IT COST MORE THAN YOU!!!" she then runs out the cafeteria.

George laughs and takes his hoodie off giving it to Y/n, "Thanks George you didn't have to do that" Y/n says while putting his hoodie on. George giggles and looks at y/n and says "Well ya I did no one else did anything so I did something".

Before George could sit up a boy grabs Y/n arm and yankes her off her seat, "HEY THAT WAS MY GIRLFRIEND YOU WEIRDO!" at that moment the whole table felt anger boil inside them, Dream stands up and goes to him and pushes him off Y/n.

"HEY let go of her!" Dream says with anger in his voice, then the rest of the table stands up. The boy pushed Dream to the floor and slapped Y/n, George then got pissed at the boy and punches him in his eye. The boy didn't expect for that to happen, he then kicked George but he dodges, the boy then falls to the ground. Karl snuck up behind him and hit him in the back of the head.

"NO ONE messes with my little sis" Karl said with anger. The boy then gives George a death stare then walks away. George looks for Y/n to see if she was ok but she ran off while no one was looking. "where did she go?!"

The table then grabs their things and start looking for Y/n.

Tommy finds Y/n in the back of the library. "Hey you ok?" Tommy ask Y/n, y/n looks up at Tommy, he sees that she was crying a little bit. "Aye don't cry he is a jerk and she is a brat come here" Tommy grabs Y/n and holds her. Y/n hugs Tommy back tight still crying a bit. He then texted everyone that she was in the library and they all go there.

George was the first one their since he ran and wasn't that far, he sees that Tommy was hugging her and that she was crying and walked out with rage. Dream stops George knowing what he wanted to go do, "Hey don't get in more trouble a teacher saw the whole thing and he getting suspended for a month just go inside", George goes inside seeing that Wilbur,Tubbo, and Eret were around her. He walks up to her and hugs her tight.

"It's ok Y/n we are all here for you" George says, Y/n then starts to cry a little more on his shoulder, she opens her eyes and sees Callahan looking at her then walks away.

"I'm ok now thank you guys really" Y/n grabs her things and goes to class.

George looks at her while she walks out, he never felt that much anger in him in a long time.

"Hey I have the next two classes with her so I'll watch her ok" Wilbur says to George, George nods to Wilbur. Then Wilbur goes to class.

The New Girl(George x F!reader)Where stories live. Discover now