5. Schemes

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Fuck, I don't want to be friends with Tommy anymore.

Because the more I talk to him, the more difficult it is to stop myself from telling him I like him now. And we've been talking nonstop. The facetime call was on Wednesday, and its Saturday now. I want to talk to someone, but I know I can't trust Toby because he told Tommy about my Coca-Cola coping.

NIKI! I can talk to Niki about this! I immediately find her name in Discord and call her. After about three or four rings, she picks up. "Hi May, what's-"

"NIKI!!! You're not live are you?"

She laughs at my energy. "Stop yelling May, you're starting to sound like Tommy. And no, I'm not streaming. Did you want to?" My face starts to burn at the mention of his name.

"No- uh, funny you should mention him actually."

She gasps, "OH, are you two still at odds with each other? I'm sorry, uh..."

I scoff. "Niki, clearly you haven't watched any of my recent streams!"

"You're back to streaming?! That's great! We should get a group to play Among Us together tonight. And I'm sorry I haven't watched them, what do you mean by that?"

"Okay, I was hoping you would figure it out without me having to say it, but you keep getting distracted, so I'm going to give you one more chance. Among Us sounds great by the way."

She sighs, partially from me teasing her, and partially because she's completely stumped. "Mayflower, why have you called me today?"

"Well Nihachu," I begin and we both laugh a little. "I called you because I have a crush on someone and-"

"OH MY GOSH, YOU LIKE TOMMY?!" I sigh and she starts squealing excitedly. "Who have you told, when did this start, tell me everything!"

"Well... there's a bit of a backstory to it. I accidentally overheard him tell Toby that he likes me a little bit ago, and I had never even thought of seeing him as more than a friend before that point, so at the time, I was being honest when I told him I didn't like him. Then we had the friend break up thing, and ever since Wednesday we've been talking all day every day. So over this past week and a half, I've started realizing I actually do like Tommy, like a lot. But Niki, you must swear to secrecy because I've only told you. I haven't even told Toby yet." I take a deep breath after all that, it was my first time admitting my feelings out loud and it felt weird.

"Okay, first of all, THAT'S SO ADORABLE! And second, yes, I promise that no one will know."

"Thanks Niki, you're the best! Do you have any advice of what to do now though?"

"Well, you both like each other, what's stopping you from becoming a thing?"

"What's stopping me? Oh I don't know, maybe its the fact that he lives four hours away? Or is it that he'll never take me seriously if I tell him how I feel. You know what, maybe its the fact that he's mine and Toby's best friend and I can't bring myself to ruin any of those friendships or make anything awkward."

Niki gives me a look that's a cross between 'you're being ridiculous' and 'this is adorable'. She sighs, "May, what do you want me to tell you?"

I open my mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. "I don't know. I think I just needed to rant to be honest." She sighs again.

"Okay. I'm happy to be here for you anytime May. I can't wait to see how this plays out." She sends a wink in chat and I laugh.

"Thanks Niki. See ya tonight at Among Us!" Then, the call ends.


Niki's pov:

The second I hit end on my call with May, I call Wilbur on facetime. I know I promised her that I wouldn't tell just anyone, but I have a very good reason why I'm going to tell Will.

"Hello?" He answers.

"SHE LIKES TOMMY!!!" His jaw drops and a smile breaks out onto his face.

"No way. Since when?" 

"Since their little friend breakup. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess."

"Does he know?" I shake my head. "Does she know about tonight?" I smile and shake my head again.

"All she knows is that we're streaming Among Us."

"Perfect." And with that, the call ends.


May's pov:

I pick up my phone and noticed I had a missed call from Tommy. I call him back and zone out staring at his smile once it connects.

"Hey Toms!" His smile turns into a fake frown.

"That is not pogchamp."

"Sorry bitch boy." He huffs and I laugh. "Are you going to be joining the Among Us stream tonight?" He perks up out of interest.

"Yeah, I'll join! I don't really feel like streaming though..." He trails off and looks away. I feel my heart sink slightly, but I make sure not to show it on my face.

"Oh? Why not?" Dang it. My face may not show it, but my voice surely does. 

"Uhhh, I'm tired. Today has been a long day."

I sigh, then realize I'm being too obvious with my feelings. "Good because seeing you now is enough, having to deal with you streaming is just too much."

"Oh fuck off!" He laughs and rolls his eyes. He looks off camera for a moment, mutes himself, then returns. "I gotta go, I'll see you tonight."

"Okay, see ya tonight." His face disappears off my screen and I exhale. I better not be obvious.

Toby's pov:

May definitely likes Tommy now. I mean, part of it was my fault for convincing him to talk to her again. It's kinda weird that they like each other, I never would have expected it. My phone lights up as a text message appears on my screen.

Wilbur: It's a go.

Toby: May is streaming and she knows Tommy isn't? 

Wilbur: Yep. See you in Among Us 

Toby: See ya!

I'm very excited for this Among Us game tonight...

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