9. Presents

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When I arrive home, I bolt straight up the stairs and into my room. I shut my door quickly, then flop down onto my bed. I dump out the bags on my bed and sort out what's for who. After that, I run back downstairs to get gift bags and tissue paper. I don't care if the boys don't like it, I enjoy giving people gifts. I think that's called a love language? I don't know.


I finished making the goodie bags and sit on my bed staring up at the ceiling. I'm about to fall asleep to pass the time when-

"MAY WE'RE HOME!!!!" Toby shouts, followed by Tommy's classic laugh. I fight back a smile as I roll over to see them barge into my room. I see Tommy's face turn pink when he bursts into my room. 

"Oh shit! Did we wake you up?" He stands frozen in the doorway, just staring at me. 

I sit up and allow that smile to break through. "No, you're alright. I was just waiting for you guys to get home. I have something for you guys." I scoot to the end of my bed and bend over to grab the bags off the floor. Tommy races in and sits down next to me, an excited look on his face. Toby follows suit and suddenly I'm sandwiched between two obnoxious boys that seem like they're about to spontaneously combust from anticipation. 

I laugh lightly, then hand the boys their bags. I bought Tommy a plush cow and a name tag so he could write Henry on it. For Toby I bought a plush bee and a black hoodie with a little bee on the top left corner. For myself, I bought a plush sea turtle and a sticker pack of Minecraft flowers. The boys ripped the tissue paper out of the bags like their lives depended on it and picked their plushies up simultaneously. Tommy immediately pulled me into a hug, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Its just because I'm glad he likes the gift... nothing else. 

"Thank you May. I like y-it a lot." Tommy whispers in my ear, then pulls away from the hug. I turn and look at Toby, who's already wearing his hoodie and is just hugging his bee with a smile on his face. I feel a huge grin take over my face knowing that I've made my two favorite people happy. 

"I like-a da bee." Toby grins, causing us all to laugh. 

"My gift is better, May got me a Henry plushie." I turned to look at Tommy again and our eyes lock. I reach my hand up and mess up his hair.

"You're such a child." I laugh. He fake pouts and flops backwards on my bed. Toby stands up and starts walking towards the door. "Where are you going bro?"

"To my room. You two have something to talk about so I'm going to give you some space." He continues walking out of the room, but I can just hear the stupid grin on his face. I didn't know Toby was capable of this kind of scheming. I'm going to have to talk to him about this later.

I hear Tommy take a deep breath in and out again. I suddenly become very aware of how fast my heart is beating and I start fidgeting with my hands to get out this energy. Is this about to happen, this way as well? Am I about to ruin my entire friendship with Tommy all because my brother forced us to?

"May." Tommy begins, "I think we do need to talk about something."

"Do we?" I want to avoid this as much as possible. I'm not about to lose Tommy for a second time. Especially now that my feelings for him are way different than before.

Silence for a couple seconds.

"You know what, yes May, we do need to talk about this." Tommy sounds just as worried and uncertain as I do, which is doing nothing to calm my own nerves. Tommy sits up again and faces me, a dead serious look on his face. I want to be able to look him in the eyes, but I can't bring myself to pry my eyes away from my hands.

"Okay, where do we start?" I try to keep my voice steady to over up how nervous I am that this is actually happening, but it all ends up being a shaky something between normal and a whisper.

"Well, you know where I stand. You've known for a while actually." He sighs, reliving that one moment that sparked this all. That accident is the reason why I've realized my feelings for my best friend now. 

"I'm sorry, again." I start pinching my hands as I remember how much I hurt him.

"Sorry about what, May?" Silence. "Is this actually happening again? Fuck." His words gradually go from normal volume to a whisper.

"No, that's not-" I pause as I try to recollect my thoughts. How am I supposed to say this?

"Well then, why did you say sorry?" He interrupts my thoughts. 

"I'm still sorry for hurting you. I wish I never did." Tommy pulls me into a hug with my arms pinned at my sides. 

"I already forgave you, its okay now. We've become much better friends now because of it, haven't we?" I smile at his words and nod while still trapped in his hug. 

He finally lets me go and I somehow feel confident enough to look up into his eyes. They're the brightest blue I've ever seen, and they make the rest of the world seem gray. I have most definitely fallen for this boy. 

Once I realize he's staring back into my eyes as well, I drop my gaze. Then, I remember something. "Tommy?"

"Yes May?"

"I need to take you somewhere." I look back up to see him furrow his brow and I can't help but laugh lightly. 

"I uh- why?" I jump up off the bed and open the door. 

"Just... grab a jacket and lets go." I turn around grinning at him. "Actually, can I borrow one of your hoodies?" I watch his face change from confused to happy. 

"Yeah. You definitely can."

A/N: Hey guys, thanks for reading and voting! I appreciate it. I'm not confident in my writing but I'm gonna keep going anyways. Also, I'm probably not going to have a consistent upload schedule so please bare with me.

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