chapter nine

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Hey y'all and welcome back to Always You. I'm posting this today because it's such a short chapter.

Addison's Pov-

It's been a few weeks since mine and Bryces fight. We were fine now and hanging out on daily. Tomorrow is Bryces birthday and he's turning 21. He told me he's throwing a small party and I told him that was fine but I can't go. Recently my manager had gotten stricter with me because of Bryce and his actions. They didn't like Bryce getting in trouble on the daily. He was the internet's bad boy. He promised me he wouldn't party all the time, but I let it slide these past 2 weeks. I don't know why I did, but it was fine. "Happy Birthday baby." I said to Bryce as he came to pick me up from my house. He kissed my temple and I got in. He drove off to the Sway House.

He led me to the door and they boys were already decorating for his party. "Bryce you need that much alcohol for a small party?" I started to get worried. "Adds its okay. It's my first time drinking alcohol, so I have to go all out." That was a joke but I wasn't laughing. He grabbed my waist and pecked my lips. "I love you." he said looking into my eyes but I looked away. He started pouting like I would do. I kissed his lips to stop him from pouting and I went up to his room.

Bryce's Pov-

I watched Addison walk up to my room and I went by Blake and Anthony who were secretly watching. "Is she okay?" Anthony asked me. "I think she's just worried about the party tonight." "Ohhhh. Is she coming?" I shook my head no. Addisons management wouldn't let her go. They didn't want her to get canceled again. And the Sway Boys aren't exactly unproblematic. I understood but it still kinda hurt that she couldn't come. "Management stuff." They nodded their heads and I left them to decorating. "Remember. SMALL party okay?"

Blake's Pov-

Yeah no. The guys are throwing him a big party and that should be known. We aren't going to throw a lame ass party like the Hype House would. "Yeah no we're not doing that." I whispered to Anthony. "No shit." Anthony said back.


Bryce's Pov-

I went upstairs to see Addison laying on my bed. She reached her arms out wanting me to lay down by her. I flopped on the bed and I was now on top of her. "Hey-" Before I could even say anything she was already making out with me. I forced my tongue through her teeth. And she then wrapped her legs around my torso as I started to kiss her neck. I put my hands under her shirt as I got her approval. I started kissing under her bra-line as she played with my hair. She turned me around so now she was on top of me. And she started planting kissed on my neck. I closed my eyes as she started leaving "art work" on my neck. Before any clothes were ever removed, the door busted opened. "Hey Bryce-Oh shit..." Addison buried her face into my neck. It was Nick Bean. "Wait so y'all are together together? Ohh shit. Wait can I get my camera-" "NICK!" Addison was laughing and I was trying to hold in my laugh. He left the room and left us alone. "Well that moment was ruined." Addison laughed and she got up from me and started to gather her things. "Are you sure you can't stay?" She shook her head. "I'm sorry I have to see my family Bryce." I nodded my head understanding even if I kind of didn't. "Do you need a ride home?" She told me not to worry about it and that Larri was picking her up. I nodded and I hugged her goodbye.

Addison's Pov-

I walked out of Bryce's room and went downstairs. Jaden, Josh, and Mads were sitting there. Mads ran to be with shock in her eyes. "Addison!" She yelled in a whisper. "You're neck..." I looked down at my neck and there were red and purple marks on my neck. "Well shit." I said. She took me to the bathroom and started to cover them for me. "Thank you so much Mads." I gave her a hug and left. I walked into Larri's car. "Hey girl." He said as I got in the car. "How have you been?" "Pretty good!"

We had small talk and we got to my house. "Hey Addi!" My dad welcomed me. I gave him a hug. "We're all gonna head out to BOA in a few just so you know." "Thanks dad, I'll just stay here with Larri." He nodded and they all headed out the door.

"Wait a second bitch. Why aren't you celebrating your mans birthday with your mans?" I slightly giggled. "My management won't let me go. But we can have fun here!" "If fun means lazing around and watching movies.. yes ma'am" I laughed and we got into comfortable clothes as we layed around my living room area. I fell asleep a few hours later.

Bryce's Pov-

I woke up and had a major headache. "Huh?" I said as I got up. I didn't remember anything from the night before. I grabbed my phone and all of my social media apps were full of my party I had the night before. "Wait what?" I clicked on a video and I wish I never did.

*flashback to last night*

I was already drunk. I didn't know what was happening. I heard shouting all around me and half naked girls were in my face. I felt myself being held down after I had tried to get up.

*end of flashback*

I felt and immediate sense of regret. Tears started falling down my face. Why am I such an idiot? I don't deserve shit. I don't deserve Addison at all. I checked my messages/ missed calls and saw she tried texting and calling me several times. I started clicking and found a voicemail she left me from this morning or last night I didnt know.

"Bryce you're probably sleeping. But I saw.. And I want to talk. Please call me when you wake up........I love you. Bye baby."

I threw my phone and covered my face with my hands. I heard a knock at my door and it was Josh. "Hey bud." I waved and stared into space. "She's here to see you. I think she's worried." I nodded my head and looked down. "We're all gonna be outside having breakfast.. if you need us at all." I waved him out and Addison peered in. "Hey party animal." I looked over and she started walking towards me. She sat down next to me at the edge of my bed. "Looked like you had fun." I looked in her eyes and I saw the stress and tears. I knew she was putting on a brave face. She has went through so much shit and I am just adding to this. "I'm so sorry." I said trying to fight through my tears. I saw her eye drip and she rubbed her nose.

That's when I broke down. Addison shouldn't have to put out with this. She grabbed my head and put it in her lap as I cried. I caught my breath and I was ready to talk. "Addison. You went through so much. You shouldn't have to put up with me. I'm only causing issues. I love you so much to know that you have to let me go." She was now breaking down also. "Bryce please no." It broke my heart. "I'm still immature and figuring myself out. If I ever were to be something serious I need to mature myself and change." She looked at me with tears swelling her eyes. I held her as tight as I could knowing it could be the last time. She cried in my shoulder as I kissed her head. Mads and Nessa were taking her home soon. She fell asleep in my arms and I saw Nessa come in. "Hey can we steal her?" I nodded my head and got up to carry her out to their car. "I love you Addison Rae." I whispered in her ear. I felt tears drip down my face when I looked at her. I closed the door and waved them off. I lost her.

hi this is a really short chapter. but bruh im crying. ily all and i hope you had a good day wherever you are.


Always You: a braddison story Where stories live. Discover now