Home To Mama

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Thanks for all the reads and votes! This book is progressing so fast! Also, thanks to all the people who are venturing out and reading my other stories, Fall and then it's sequel All Bad. Social Media up there ^^^ or to the side. Enjoy!
Justin's POV
I just got off the phone with my mom who has just invited us to y/n and I to dinner with her. I then got my phone and FaceTimed her, I wonder how she's going to take it.
"Hey Babe" she answered.
"Hi sweetheart, how are you?" I replied.
"Good, you?"
"I'm fine. I was just calling to see if you would like to accompany me to dinner with my mom?"
"With your mom, like I'm meeting her?"
"Yes baby, you're going to meet her"
"Justin! What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm ugly or too stupid for you or something? Oh crap.."
"Y/n, you're going to be fine. She already knows what you look like, she always asks questions about you. She seems excited to me you"
"Okay, alright, I'll go. What are is it?"
"I'll pick you up at 5:30"
"Okay, bye J"
"Bye love"
Your POV
Oh my goodness! What if she doesn't like me? Alright, I have a hour and a half to get ready. After hopping in the shower and washing my hair, I applied some lotion and deodorant, you know hygiene stuff. I shuffled through my closet looking for my absolute favorite dinner dress that was just perfect for meeting new people. Classy and sassy.
After slipping that on, I grabbed my comb and gently got out all the knots and tangles before applying some oil to it. It hung at my shoulders in small kinky curls for which I am grateful for. For makeup I put on very minimal because you know, black don't crack.
When Justin knocked at the door, I had just finished putting on my shoes and grabbing my coat. I opened the door and Justin waltzed inside planting a greeting kiss on my cheek helping me slip my coat on. Turning around into his arms, I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling my lips towards his.
"Hey baby, you look beautiful" he said.
"Thanks babe, you look very handsome" I complimented.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked.
I nodded and grabbed my clutch slipping out of the door and into the car. We drive in a peaceful silence all the way to the restaurant where Pattie's figure was waiting as you first walked in. We walked up behind her as Justin embraced her small frame in his arms.
"Hey Ma" he said pressing a kiss on the top of her head.
"Hey Justin, how are you?" she replied.
"I'm good Mama, you?" he answered.
"I'm just fine, now where's y/n?" she asked.
Justin pulled me from out behind him and pushed me forward towards her.
"Mom, this y/n, y/n this is my Mama" Justin named.
"Hi Ms. Mallette, it's nice to finally meet you" I greeted putting my hand out.
"Aww y/n, your so beautiful. Justin talks about you all the time. I'm so happy to meet you" she said ignoring my hand and pulling me into a tight hug.
We were seated in the back corner where you could also see the sun setting in the horizon. It was a round table because I feel like at round tables nobody is left out. Is that just me? Yes, okay.
(I seriously feel that way, comment if you do too -Mikayla)
All the conversations were light and comfortable. She asked questions about how I grew up and what I'm subject majoring in for college. She was honestly the sweetest thing ever, along with being so cute. She is so little!
As the dinner came to the end, we walked her to her car. We exchanged hugs and a loss on the cheek.
"We have to go out for lunch sometime, I know he can be a handful" she whispered in my ear.
"Definitely" I replied nodding my head.
We waited until her car was safely down the road before starting our own journey home.
"So, how'd you like her?" Justin questioned.
"She was amazing! And so little, like fun in a package! She was so sweet too. Your mom is awesome" I said.
"Yeah, I love my mama" he finished.
Question of the day: What would you do if you met Pattie?
I would be so nervous, but she honestly seems like an amazing person who is very inspirational. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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