Day by Day by T-ara [English]

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My embrace is a fortress to you, I am thrown away by others

Love - I can't see the end of that dark tunnel so I'm very afraid

Like a desert with a blazing sun, like a person crying out of thirst

Kiss me ma baby, before this night is over, hurry, to me, day by day

I miss your embrace, I guess I loved you too much

When this night passes, it'll become tears to wipe off - tok tok tok^

If that silver moon sets, will it disappear - Your scent that still remains?

Will the dream-like memories also scatter?

Like rain drops, far away, tok tok tok

Kiss me baby I'll must be stay here Day by Day

Whisper that you love me

Kiss me baby Just you can take me Day by Day

Before my tears dry up

(Ddurururururu Ddurudu)

Like the wind, you disappeared

(Ddurururururu Ddurudu)

Day by day, I miss you, day by day

Tonight, I long for the passing by memories, I hear your voice

The countless nights when we promised eternity, they become tears - tok tok tok

At the thought of you leaving, again tears fall

Please tell me you will return so our love can be forever

You leave me and go far far away, follow that road and disappear

At the end of this crazy love is the dangerous cliff,

I was infected by this tough love and kept trembling

I hope my lips that recite this sad poem will be remembered in your black eyes

Kiss me ma baby, before this night is over, hurry, to me, day by day

Kiss me baby I'll must be stay here Day by Day

It's sad but I will erase you

Kiss me baby Just you can take me Day by Day

Before my tears dry up

kiss me baby take me day by day

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