2. ''call me.''

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"Archer, Your in charge of clean up!" That was my last name; Archer. but it was also Archer Owens first name, so I stared at my gym teacher in confusion.

He rolled his eyes. "Yes. You, Venus Archer." I nodded and quickly picked up some of the plastic cones around the gymnasium, stacking them in a corner when finished.

I then grabbed a white fishnet bag and gathered basketballs into it, walking from person to person, saying; "ball? Thank you. Ball? Thank you."

Once my arms where weighed down by the sack and the balls in it, I turned into a small hallway leading out of the gym, where both dressing rooms, a fitness room, and the storage room was. The fitness room looked more like a torture room than another workout area, but the two weren't so far off.

As I neared the fitness room, I could her the clanking of weights, and squeak of sneakers. An odd curiosity grabbed me, and I grabbed the bag of basketballs I had with both hands. I slowly approached the two glass doors leading to the room and glanced up at the sign hanging above the doorway.

Our mascot; a yoked tiger, waved to whomever he was looking at, smiling. The sign he was on said: fitness Machine Room and Toby, (the tiger) had a little speech bubble coming from his mouth saying: working out is fun! Let's get that heart rate up! I briefly rolled my eyes and stepped closer to the door, clutching the bag with anxiety.

The room was bright, and I leaned closer, almost pressing my face to the glass. Another clank of weights gave the person in there away. I quickly turned my head to the left to see a head of frizzy dark brown hair and neon green gym shorts. It was Juniper. Surprise, surprise, no way you would find her here. It made sense she was here, after the fire alarm trick.

They had probably decided to have her skip gym class and workout in here, instead of play basketball. She was really good at the sport, but having her do this instead, trust me, was no punishment.

i watched as she sat at a leg machine, her back pressed against a leather back rest, her hands clutching two foam handles. her strong legs slowly pushed the weights, making them echo along the walls. she wore the same tank top, except now i could see sweat on the front and back. her face was red, and i watched as her cheeks puffed out with every push.

some strands of hair where stuck to her  sweat covered face, but she didn't seem tired. in fact, she seemed energized. my hands tightened around my bag of basketballs, and an unknown smile crossed my lips.

i can see her, watch her, but she doesn't know. the power of a workout; your too focused on the task at hand to notice other people watching you. a small question rose in my head, coming from the same part that drove me here in the first place. i wonder the amount of iron she can pump. my eyes went guiltily to the weight rack, and widened a bit. 100 pounds?? jeesh.

she threw her head back and smiled, her legs going quicker, as if she was squeezing in a speed round. then finally, she stopped and got off the machine, the weights dropping and giving a final clank.

''phew!'' she gasped, pressing her heels to the floor and stretching down and wrapping her fingers around her calves. ''what a blast.'' i smiled, my cheeks flushing.

she stretched again, and then rolled her shoulders and neck, wiping sweat from her forehead. a large smile was on her face, telling me this is what she truly liked to do.

''i'm gonna smell like shit for the rest of the day.'' she mumbled, her voice echoing from the fitness room walls.

then slowly, she dropped her arms down and pulled at the bottom of her top, lifting it off. it was so slowly and almost gracefully it could gave been the scene in some movie, where the sexy character is taking off their clothes for the first time. she pulled the shirt up and over her head, a light grey sports bra tightly around her chest. her utterly toned stomach flashed before my eyes before she bent down, picking up a second shirt, which lay at her feet.

It all started when she calledWhere stories live. Discover now