6. ''she did it. she called.''

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''wake up!''

a tub of ice cream was dropped on me, it's cold packaging making me yelp.

My eyes shot open and i found myself sprawled out on the couch, robin beaming down at me.

''you fell asleep dude. it's almost time to eat.''

somehow i had caught the the thing, and i put it on the floor. ''what time is it?'' i grumbled, rubbing my eyes.


''aw shit!'' i sprang from the couch and ran to our phone, grabbing it off the wall and tugging it and the cord with me into the pantry.

please call me Venus, I swear.

After a few seconds I could hear the clatter of plates and the hushed voices of my mom and Robin.

"How have things been sweetie?" My mom asked. Their was a pause, and I took the time to read the nutrition facts on a bag of corn chips.

6% fats...

"I don't know... I'm worried about Juniper."

I opened the bag and popped a chip in my mouth.


"Me too." My mom was talking like I wasn't only a few feet away, tucked in the pantry.

"Really?" Robin's voice was high, it sounded concerned.

C'mon Venus! I just want to eat a warm dinner!

"Well yeah, she's been causing up ruckus at the school, getting into all kinds of trouble. She can't even wear nice clothes."

Veennnuussss! Please call me? C'mon!

"She's causing trouble?" When Robin said that it made me stop. She sounded nervous, like she really was worried. Her voice was high, and pitchy.

"You wouldn't believe it Rob. She pulled a fire alarm today, and has gotten six detentions within the first quarter. Half the time, I don't know where she is, and then she'll come back home late at night. And the clothing she's wearing, don't get me started. I just don't feel like she's safe half the time, god dammit, most times I don't know what to do."

The dish clattering had intensified and through the pantry door I could see Robin's surprised and stiff figure, clutching a bowl. My mom stopped what she was doing and sighed.

"I'm sorry honey, it just... stresses me out."

I looked down at my feet and then at the clothes hanging loosely on my shoulders. But I like my clothes. And... I like Venus. Hey... speaking of which, call me lady! fuck... i never knew i was THAT stressful.

Robin's shoulders relaxed, but she still seemed tense as she set down the bowl in her hands.

''sheeesh. wasn't expecting that.'' she looked up, a expression of anxiety on her face. my mom put her hands on her wide hips and squinted.

''i know that look. what else stresses you out? is there anything i don't know? she's not taking drugs, is she?''
if only you knew.

Robin shook her head, her thin fingers tracing the tables edges. i twirled the cord around my wrist, clutching the phone. for these moments, i couldn't focus on my impatience. or even Venus.

''i hope not.'' Robin mumbled. ''i know less than you anyway. i was just worried that... well-'' she looked over at the pantry, and found myself shrinking, even though she couldn't see me. her eyebrows were furrowed, making mine do the same.

It all started when she calledWhere stories live. Discover now