What Happened In The Room?

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So as i said, I started singing. As A Thousand Years was an emotional song, I let all my emotions transform into a voice with which i was singing that song and the voice which was gonna act as a step to make my dream come true, to become a singer. I chose thousand years because even i went through a breakup recently previous month, with my boyfriend Damien. We had a relationship that lasted more more than two years but suddenly....it just ended. Yes, just ended. So, before i start to get all emotional, back to the audition. So when i was just gonna sing the lines ,"Time spends her, beauty and oh, she is i.....", Louis raised his hand to stop the backgroung music which was playing on the background. MY heart stopped. Did I sang something which was not melodious? Did i scratch my voice a little too much? Did i sang out the lyrics wrong or something? Thousand more questions rushed and flushed through my mind. Because this one mistake could have been the worst mistake of my life. I just stood there sheepishly. I was feeling so fucking stupid. I just wanted to burst into tears and lay down on the floor until i wanted to wake up. But we all know thats not possible, which made me feel like crying even more. Then Louis asked ," How do you think you gave the performance?" I replied ," I think i sang pretty good." Louis then asked ," I know it was good. But do you think that THIS performance was good enough for an audition for X Factor?" These words were enough to make it clear that he didnt like that performance. I replied with a lump in my throat ,"I think so..". He then suddenly shouted," Because you are absolutely correct about yourself !! Your were absolutely amazing and you gave a star performance. I would be really lucky to have myself as your mentor," It was Mel B's turn to say something. Mel said ," Look honey, I think you did great! I dont know whats goin' on Louis's mind but i did you were fantastic! Your melodies were right, you were putting your emotions, you were outstanding, and brilliant song choice. Keep it up." Mel's words were a relief to the ears. This sentence were TOTALLY 'a like a dream come true' opinion. I politely said a thank you to Mel B. It was Cheryl's turn to speak to me and give her opinion. She gave me a worrying look as if i was a stranded puppy that has been left on the street all by myself. She then said ," Sweetie, i think you have potential to do something, but i just think that you are a little too young to be here now. Your voice is just a little too immature now." Those words were like a punch in the face for me. Did Cheryl hate me? Because those words were clearly suspecting that. "Im sorry sweetie" she said. I murmured a thank you and looked at Simon because my future literally depended on  his opinion. Simon first sighed looking towards his notebook. Then he looked at me into the eye and sad ,"You know I hate to be in this position where i get to speak the last." I nodded. "Well", he said ," i think that you have a really good voice and that if you are just guided on the right path you can have a really successful future in music. I thanked him. He then said ," Its a yes from me." I smiled widely showing my weird braces on my teeth. "Its a no from me, sorry." Cheryl said, sadly. I nodded my head to make it look like i understood. "Its a definate yes from me" Mel B said smiling. I again smiled a wide smile. "Its a yes from me too. Welcome to X Factor" Louis welcomed. I jumped up and down like a crazy gorilla and screamed like a fan suddenly saw One Direction. I love One Direction. I hugged every judge and ran down the hall to my mom. I hugged her until she let go of me. That was the happiest day of my life! :)

hey guys, its anoushka! Please vote for my this chapter of the story and if u wanna know whats gonna happen next then please check out my next chapters and vote for them too please :*

thanks xx

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