Chapter Three: The Search

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I truly believe that when you've found the one you're searching for, you become a better version of yourself. You're better for it.

-Hunter Hayes


The room was already smelled with blood, sex and drugs as Sylvanstien enter it.

It was digusting really, the place was filled with intoxicated humans and lustful vampires. As rumor The Cross was a real haven for the vampire after all. The secret club was impossigble to locate. And what been done here was well kept away far from The Order.

Everything was a secret.

What they don't know, won't hurt them.

"Enjoying the view there Frankie?" Arceus voice ringed to him as he come lose with an open arm welcoming him to his haven. "Let's go somewhere more private shall we? I have news for you my friend."

Leading him across the dance floor. The thousand year old vampire still have not changes much since the last time Sylvanstien saw him. Arceus was still tall and broading as ever, with dark opal eyes and dark chesnut hair. The humans and vampires woman surrounded him as he walked across the room, they all were trying to gain his attention. But as always he picked the two prettiest out of the bunch for himself. And let them following him to the private lounge.

Arceus was charming and manipulative as always. After all he is the thousand years old vampire. One of the wisest of them all, as well as the trickiest.

For a momment they didn't talk much as Arceus flirted with the girls while waiting for the champange to come. Satting across from them Sylvanstien can't help but to observe everything. From the illuminating dance floor to it people. Everything was so well planned, the vampire haven.

The room was sound proof and surrounded by one way glass.

"It was a lot of work you know", Arceus smooth voice began spoke out. "From the location to the places. Everything that going through here is checked throughly, I can assure you Frankie dear it is safe to discuss business here. Nothing can escape this place with out going through me or my people. Nothing that happen here will be know."

Sylvanstein didn't response to it. He simply stay silent. Arceus knew he will not discuss the information with them around. The univited geust.

"Wait a minute. Frankie?" And that was when one of them spoke up imediately. The first was Vampire-tress." You mean The Frankie? Like as in Frankie Sylvanstein?"

"OMG no wayyy! You mean you are The Frankenstein! As in the one that she created?" ,The other one immediately spoke up, this one was a witch. "Is it true that your human blood are more that a hundreds year old? You look so young though, I heard it's taste unlike any human delicacy. One taste is more addicted than any other blood or drugs. Oh please tell me that it is true! I'll do anything for you, if you give me just a-"

"Now, now ladies, that's enough. I would liked it if you stop harassing my geust," Arceus said humorlessly, as the attention was now is no longer on him." Now if you could kindly please excuse us, Frankie and I have some rather important matter to discuss"

"Aww but darling must we go," The vampire-tress spoke up."We barely meet your friend, beside don't you want me to stay beside you forever."

Giving him an intoxicating kiss. The girl was a fool to try and seduce the thousand years old vampire.

"Now, now Lena dear," he said as he given her another soft peck on lips. "Just wait for me dear. It not long you know, after all we have an eternity to live."

The young vampire was left breathless. Both girls began to leave the room squealing with excitement. Finally the two men was alone. With a wicked grin Arceus began to pick up the phone and said; "Get rid of Lena and her girls for me please, a nice and clean wash up will do."

Just like that Arceus hang up after his command.

Frankenstein knew it never a good idea to annoy the thousand year old vampire in anyway. Old vampire especially are much more calculative and too prideful for their own good.

"Now with that's out if the way, why don't we get this over with?" ,Arceus smile wickedly." I'll be blunt with you Frankenstein. I like you. So as a friends I would advise you to follow the right side."

Walking over to the dirty blond hair man. Arceus began to pour a deep glass of champagne. " Since after all, a war is coming. "

He smile as he make himself a glass swirling away the red liquid. Arceus gaze continue to be on the glass as the alcoholic drink is still moving.

"He is being awaken" the thousand years old vampire simply stated.

Making Frankenstein rises from his seat arruptedly. Noticing this, Arceus became slightly amuse when his friend was loosing his composure.

"Relax my friends. From what I heard , it's only a rumor though," taking a sip at his champagne."But just in case, since you have not able to found her yet. I think you should stop it from happening before it could happend."

Frankenstein narrow his eyes at Arceus and spoke quietly. " I do not understand where you going with this Arceus."

Making the vampire smile sincerely.

"You know where is it don't you?" He said with eyes gleaming with greed and hunger."the magic, you could use it to stop it and protect her. With my help you could-"

"No Arceus, I will not betray my mistress by doing what you say" ,Frankenstein growled as he headed toward the door.

"But you know that without her magic we cannot defeat him!" The thousand year old vampire counter back.

"Not in that way Arceus, not in that way" ,Frankenstein flatly said.

"No,Frankie listen my dear friends. You don't understand the situation we are in. People will die my friends not just hundreds or thousands but billion this time. Not just the human but us as well. We must stop him Frankie. We must stop him and protect her."

"No Arceus, I already told you it can't be done that way." The undead human said to him. Opening the door readying to leave.

"I-I've been searching for her too you know" ,Arceus voice soften as he grab his friend arm."but we are running out of time. A hundred day. That is all we have left, please Frankie, you must help me."

"No, not that way Arceus. You changed, I don't think I can trust you any longer." Pushing away his grip.

Getting out of the room. Frankenstein knew he had just rejected the old vampire. And that was the worst choice possible.

But it was funny really. How they all been searching for her.

How they all have there different way.

To fine her oh how long that it had been.

But what Arceus said is true then everyone must be going wild now.

He will find her.

He was coming back.

And there is no way Frankenstein will ever let that happen.

Disappearing into New York midnight street. The city seem over all much busier than ever.




Let's the search begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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