2. Fulfilment

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Okay, so let's talk about fulfilment.

Fulfilment means completion. Being 100% accomplished.

Now, there are many ways to address fulfilment, and many ways to view it. Fulfilment in a grade, a series, a diet or devotional...

...We're not going to discuss that.

Emotional fulfilment— this can be a menace. People look to all sorts of stuff for it. Everything from alcohol, drugs, sexual immorality and self-destruction— to ice-cream, chocolate and... Wait for it.


Yes, fandoms.

Lots of girls are turning to fandoms for emotional satisfaction.

Now to get this, I need to brief you in on how pleasure works. When you eat certain things, drink certain things, think of, feel or listen to anything that pleasures you in a "rewarding" or "fulfilling" sort of fashion, a neuro chemical is released in your brain. Basically, a dose of stuff that tells your brain that you feel truly awesome...but generally not in a good way.

You'll notice that drugs are often called "dope", short for dopamine, which is quite a common pleasure chemical. Directioners will remember dopamine from This Is Us.

In conclusion, One Direction can henceforth give you the same feeling as a drug. So can sugar, sex, alcohol– you name it. All those guilty pleasures...

Now where does fulfilment come in?

Every example that I've mentioned here will definitely give you some artificial form of happiness, which, whilst it is happiness, is still artificial and devastating. Why? Because it doesn't last.

A drug only makes you high for a while.

You can run to alcohol with your problems, but you'll sober up and the weight that returns from being light headed will drag you down until your next party.

A nice buffet of sugar. You eat... BANG! Sugar rush, blood sugar spike and next thing ya know everyone's dropping on the deck and flopping like a fish; until the spike ends and you're moody and sleepy.

We put ourselves at risk of physical harm for a high that never lasts. Then we do whatever it takes for the next?

Artificial, temporary, harmful and shameful supplements of fulfilment.

Aren't humans genius?

There are many more examples...

Where fandoms come in is... Let's say that you listen to a really cool song. Your parents are fighting in the opposite room and you just want to cry, or you just can't see any worth in yourself.

The song gets you. Somehow, it gets you.

Then flash. You feel happy again. Dopamineeeeeeeee rush.

Then the song ends.

There could be another song, or you play it again. But when your earphones hurt you, your parents call or you look in the mirror, it ends. It just ends. You grow tired, and it ends. It lets you down.

You read fanfictions all of your life.
Omg! He is sooo perfect! I can't even. I am so doing this when we meet.

That can grow from, "that's a cute gesture" to "I totally wanna marry him!" in mere weeks.

You get love and acceptance.

Once again, Dopamineeeeeeeee.

Then the plot thickens. You think, what if we never meet? Why would we? There are so many fans. I'm not even pretty. I can't make him happy. He doesn't deserve anyone like me...

You end up at an all time low self esteem... Over someone you don't actually know. You can think it, you can memorise their facts, but what do you kmow?

If people went on random facts about me I'd be some tea addict with an obsession with four piece braids and the ability to make dogs growl and tie a knot in a cherry stem with my mouth. Therefore, we can assume that I must be super experienced in relationships, have magic hair-doing hands, and I am also part dog. Was probably raised by wolwes. That's why her writing style is so all over the place, because she has no idea what species she is. That's so sad! Do you think that she ran away to find herself in England? That's where she discovered tea. She must be so peaceful and elegant now... I wish I was elegant. Why can't I be elegant? Why can't I find peace? Omg! I wish I was her... She must have some way of communicating with wolwes. She must have learnt the ancient art of four piece braiding from them... She is so deep. The wolves trained her to attract a mate. Maybe she uses her wolf language to lure and seduce men? Wow! That's so cool! I wish I could do that...

But nobody likes me. I'm just ugly. I don't even speak wolf.

Haha, no.

1. I am human, as far as I've been told (except once, when my science teacher implied that I was from Mars)

2. I have a really caring (human) family

3. Proudly South African

4. Never had a boyfriend nor seen a wolf in my life

Round about there you would look for fulfilment and send yourself on a ferris wheel of highs and lows, ultimately just going in circles until you reach depression, or worse...

It's a vicious ferris wheel.

You see, we have the right idea. The problem is that people, well, we're kinda stupid sometimes. Ignorance is one of the biggest parts of human nature. So the stupidity leads to confusion and we look for fulfilment (good idea) in the wrong places (bad idea). It never lasts...

We are God's people. We don't belong here. There is so much emptiness in this world; we need fulfilment. We are wired to find fulfilment and happiness, because we want God. No matter what you believe, your heart always yearns for more because we are not finished. There is so much void in us. We're not from here. We want God, we want to be filled.

And ultimately, because we need to feel full and we long to be where we belong, we search. But because we belong with God, he is the only thing that can satisfy us.

God is the only true fulfilment.

Comment what your opinion is and I hope that you dwell in fulfilment.

Love you guys! Can't wait to share more with my amazing fandom mates!

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