Chapter 4: Steve

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I'm struggling. A lot. Krel, Claire, Toby and Jim are all really good friends to me, but it's not the same. With Aja and Eli on Akiridian-5, and Lance... gone, I don't know what to do. I only just realised recently that I'm a f**king idiot, and I'd probably be dead by now if it wasn't for my friends. They're all really smart, and strong, and brave and powerful. All I do is screw s**t up. It's a miracle any of them are still alive.

Eli leaving was one thing I'll never forget, but something tells me he was right to go. There wasn't anything left for him here. Aja leaving was also really difficult for me. I missed her with everything i had. Until the day we broke up.

I recount all the fights we started having. It started ok, just little disagreements over little things, like if Little Mix was good or not (it is, but she hates it) and what the best flavour of Doritos was. We fought, we forgave, we apologized, we moved on. But then they started getting worse. She asked me for advice on her Queenly duties, and I gave s**t advice, and she got mad. Another time I called her, it was just after we got back from Camelot, and it was all I would talk about. I didn't ask how she was, I didn't ask about Akiridian-5, nothing. She listened for a while, but hung up mid sentence, and didn't call back for days.

Strangely enough, I barely noticed. I was really distracted by creepslaying and trollhunting. And my continuous nightmares about Eli. After that, we barely spoke. I never got round to calling her, and text conversations consisted of four texts at best. Then, I finally called her. She seemed kind of happy to hear me, but she was distant. She asked about Krel. I said he was happy and healthy, but stupidly said he was being a bastard and making everyone feel stupid. I said he was working on this new project and won't let anyone near it, and was acting like a complete jerk. That pissed her off.

She yelled at me, saying I was a jerk for saying that. He is just focused on his project, and I should know that's how he is by now. I started yelling back, saying it was a mistake letting him stay. Then...

She said it was a mistake them coming to earth in the first place. Her parents died here. Krel chose this place instead of her. I chose this place instead of her. Then she hung up, and ignored me for months.

After what seemed like years, she called me. But not for an apology. She said the council has been talking, and they decided that she would have to marry someone to be her prince*. They had chosen a dashing Akiridian. He was noble, kind, strong and brave, and intelligent. Everything I wasn't, she told me. Ok she was still mad. But she seemed to like this man. So I said what I thought would be nice. I said he seems nice, and I wished the best for both of them. Then I hung up. I knew this wouldn't work. I was a knight of Camelot (technically) but she was the queen of an entire flipping planet, she would never work with me. It was fun while it lasted, but it's over. For good this time. I hope she's happy with her Prince.

* yes, Prince. There is no king and queen, it's one monarch (king or queen), and their royal consort (prince or princess). Do your own f**king research.

A/n. Sorry this chapter was so long, I really tried to get this one right. Nugget, I hope this was what you had in mind. Sorry it's late, I'll work on the next chapter later today. Later gaymers!

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