I'm Bored

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Julie - I'm bored

Reggie - No you're Julie, just like I'm Reggie. Julie are you alright

Julie - Reg how much did you drink tonight

Luke - Wait what!!!!

Alex - Reggie was drinking!!!!

Reggie - Nooooooooooooooooooo

Flynn - Reggie what's your favorite number

Reggie - Purple

Carrie - Guys go find him

Reggie - Nah I'm good

Luke - Reg you said your favorite number was purple

Alex - Can we go off that I mean it is a Reggie answer

Reggie - Guys I seriously wasn't drinking. I was at Carrie's friend Kayla's house and I had a bottle of sparkling cider. That's not alcoholic

Carrie - Why were you at her house???

Reggie - Carrie you were there too

Carrie - Oh yeah I was

Reggie - I'm coming back to the studio. I swear to God if you do an alcohol test I'm going to freak out

Julie - We won't as long as you didn't drink

Reggie - Oh my god

Reggie has left the chat

Alex - He'll be fine

Luke - Yeah it's Reggie

Julie - Sometimes he's too much of a forgiving ball of energy

Flynn - But that's why we love him right

Everyone - Right

A/N: So sorry about this piece of crap. I was super bored and wanted to write a chapter for this chapter so I did and it sucks. Better chapters are on the way I promise. - Kayla

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