Where's Alex???

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Luke - Have you guys seen Alex

Reggie - No but I haven't seen any of you today

Julie - No sorry

Alex - I have and man....he be lookin fine

Luke - What does that even mean

Alex - No clue

Julie - Anyway Luke wants to know where you are

Alex - I'm out...why??

Luke - Band practice started half an hour ago, and Julie, and I are the only ones that are even here

Reggie - Sorry man I can't make it

Luke - Why!?!?!?!?!

Reggie - I'm at the mall with Carrie

Luke - Again why?!?!?!!

Reggie - Idk tbh she just said that I needed a new style

Reggie - Apparently mine was too 90's for her taste

Julie - But you're from the 90's

Reggie - Yeah but she doesn't know that

Alex - That makes sense. Undercover

Luke - No it doesn't make sense!! Reggie you shouldn't change who you are just because your new girlfriend wants you to

Reggie - I'm not. I'm still me Luke

Luke - What's your favorite type of music then

Reggie - Idk I like the kind of stuff you and Julie write, I love country, but Dirty Candy's good too

Julie - I'm leaving before this gets ugly

Julie has left the chat

Luke - See this is exactly what I was talking about

Alex - Why Julie left??

Luke - No!! She's changing him

Luke - Reggie doesn't even like Dirty Candy

Reggie - Reggie doesn't need your permission to like music

Luke - I'm not saying you need my permission

Luke - If you did you wouldn't like country

Alex - I thought I was the only one that liked Dirty Candy

Luke - No you love Dirty Candy Alex

Reggie - I'm just going to leave then

Luke - No Reg please don't leave

Reggie - Why shouldn't I

Luke - Because we're just looking out for you

Reggie - You're looking out for me by insulting my girlfriend yeah great job Luke

Luke - You can't see that she's changing you


Reggie has left the chat

Alex - You could've handled that better

Luke - You could've helped me out

Alex - Why!? All you were doing was making him mad

Luke - Reggie would never have yelled at us like that. He hates it when people yell at each other

Alex - How is she getting to him so fast? They've only been dating a week

Luke - That's what we're going to have to figure out then

Julie and the Phantoms textsWhere stories live. Discover now