Take Down Your Pillow Fort

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Luke - Reggie take it down

Reggie - Take what down??

Alex - You know exactly what he's talking about Reg

Julie - Okay well I don't so can someone fill me in on what's going on

Luke - Come in the studio and see for yourself

Julie - Oh my god..

Julie - That's an...

Reggie - Yes??

Julie - That's a piece of art right there

Reggie - So you like my pillow fort then???

Luke - Julie!!!

Julie - I hate it it's a total eyesore

Alex - 😱😱😱😱

Luke - What???


Luke - Us

Reggie - Oh right

Alex - Did you guys not just see how Julie changed her opinion the minute she saw that she was disagreeing with Luke????

Julie - What??? I did not!!!

Reggie - You totally did

Alex - Wow even the oblivious Reggie noticed. Then that means you're really obvious

Luke - Or he's just agreeing with you because you're his boyfriend

Luke - Did you ever think about that???

Alex - Okay that took an unexpected turn

Reggie - I did not do that Luke!!

Luke - You totally did Reg

Julie - Yup

Alex - Okay you two need to stop

Reggie - Huh???

Julie - I'm confused

Luke - So am I but I'm going to keep arguing about this because I'm not going to let Alex win

Alex - You wouldn't be letting me win. I will beat the crap out of you in any argument

Julie - Reggie do you want to go get ice cream??

Reggie - Yes please

Reggie - Let's go now

Julie left the chat

Reggie - You two better work this out or I swear to god I'm going to stick both of your heads in a separate drum

Reggie left the chat

Alex - That was brutal Reg

Luke - Actually I think it was justified

Alex - Oh my god you're going against me on this too!!!

Luke - Oh my god we really do argue a lot

Alex - Whatever I'm going to watch TV

Luke - Whatcha watching??

Alex - Probably something comedic

Luke - Why don't you watch something action packed

Alex - But comedy is better

Luke - No action is

Julie and Reggie rejoined the chat

Julie - Oh my god are you two fighting over movie genres now???

Reggie - Just watch an Action Comedy for goodness sakes

Alex - Okay

Luke - Yeah I guess I'm in for that

Julie - Reggie how did you put up with these two for so long

Reggie - I have no idea

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