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After my little encounter with prince Luke,I was brought some food and water so that I could regain my strength.

Ansel,the prince's servant, brought me the food under Luke's orders.

"If you need anything else,I'll be right outside the door your highness."

I ate the chicken hungrily for I had been so famished.After the meal, Ansel took away the plates and told me that prince Luke wanted a word with me at the royal garden.Ansel also offered to escort me there .He was a nice servant and also genuinely kind.

As we walked to the garden,I could see the beauty of snow mountain kingdom.The walls of the halls were lined with silver snowflakes all over their edges.The ceilings were dome shaped with a huge golden snowflake at the middle.When we came to the doors that led to the royal garden,I was amazed to see how strong the doors were.They were huge with snowflake designs all over.The doorknobs were freakishly strong and firm.The best part of all was the royal garden which had alot of apple trees and on the east a huge field of red and white roses.At the middle of the garden,there was a huge gazebo with huge pillars lined with white roses this time.

"Prince Luke waits at the gazebo your majesty",Ansel said bowing slightly.

"Thank you Ansel,you may leave us now",I replied.

Ansel bowed and left.I walked straight to the gazebo where Luke stood facing the roses in the east.

"It's a wonderful view Luke of the snow mountain people",I said.

"Oh you're here, um..it really is",he replied surprised to see me.

"You have recovered quickly prince Jake"

"All thanks to you,how will I ever repay you?"I asked.

"No need to do that.I was just helping out where I can."Luke replied.

He was really a nice person and his hair looked great and awesome.For a prince,he was well brought up.He wasn't like those arrogant baffons that came as suiters to my kingdom for my two sisters hand in marriage.They were totally way in over their riches and social status.Luke was different and that alone made him so interesting and likeable.

"Here,I also kept this safe for you.Many are quick to judge something they cannot understand.I know that first hand."Like said giving me my father's staff.It had no more blood stains.I took it carefully and observed it.It was made of gold and its top had a spiral which looked like a small river.

I continued to observe it and in the spiral I saw my father being slayed and my sisters taken to captivity by the same knight in black armour.

"Are you okay Jake?"Luke asked helping me off the ground.I had no idea how I got on the floor.

"Yeah,I'm fine',I replied.

"Are you certain?"Luke insisted.
"I saw something.My dad being slayed and my sisters taken to captivity by a knight in black armour."I said at the blink of tears.

"A knight in black armour?" Luke asked.

"Yes.Do you know him?"I asked.

"No.But I have heard rumors of a knight in black armour who destroys kingdoms and takes the throne for himself.They call him the apocalypse."Luke explained.

I took a minute to get it all in.if I find this apocalypse,maybe I can find Eve and Cheryl and lay waste to his crusade.But not alone. I'll need help.What to do ?  ....


"Oh.. Sorry. I got lost there for a second."I replied sheepishly.

"If you want help finding the apocalypse,I would very much like to accompany you on this voyage."Luke said staring at me, our faces only inches apart , with his perfect green eyes.

I noticed that he had a few hair strands on his forehead.Without even thinking,I raised my hand and pushed them away from his forehead and like a totally helpless love struck boy,I kissed him on the lips.

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