A Quest.

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"You two certainly get along." A girly voice broke our heated kiss.

"Clary.What are you doing here?" Luke  asked without even looking shocked.
"I was just here for some fresh air in the royal garden.I never knew that you were here with your boyfriend."

The word boyfriend made me almost laugh.But the idea of having Luke as my boyfriend warmed my sad heart.Maybe someday,we would have our own castle with our own subjects.At the moment, that remained a dream that could never happen.

" What Luke?"
"Ugh.Meet prince Jake of the East river kingdom," Luke bowed slightly.

"Welcome to the Snow mountains.I'm Clary ,Luke's older sister.As you've observed my brother prefers to hide you from the family. It's quite sad." She said eyeing Luke who only rolled his eyes.

Come to think of it,I had not met the king.I saw her point even though she was dramatic.

"Fair enough. Would you like to meet my father Jake?" Luke asked me softly.
"It would be my pleasure," I replied with a smile on my face.

And with that,we all walked together out of the gazebo.On our way to the castle,Luke and Clary laughed and shoved each other slightly. They seemed to have a very close relationship opposed to the one I had with my sisters.The two didn't let their fancy clothes dictate their character. They lived a free life.The life I wanted.

When we arrived at the door to the royal dinning hall,Luke instructed Ansel to take my staff to my room.Ansel obliged and soon we entered the dinning hall.When the huge doors opened,I was amazed by the interior design of the place. The floor was covered by a white long mat which had Snowflake embroidered on it.The table was golden at the top and had bronze legs.There was a huge chandelier on the roof in the middle of the room which was silver and snowflake  in shape.The chairs were bronze with  golden spots.

"Father we brought the guest for dinner." Clary said walking towards her seat next to the queen.
"Welcome and have a seat prince Jake. We heard that my son found you after the attack on East river and we were eager to see you but you were not well."

"I'm fine now.Luke took care of me." I said finally sitting beside Luke who sat on the right hand side of his father.I had heard a my father talk of his beloved friend King George but I never bothered with the details.

When Luke heard that,he sent me a sweet hidden smile.
"We are so sorry for your loss," the queen said reaching for my hand across the table when actually she could not touch my hand.I nodded to her and turned my eyes to the king who was speaking.
"My warriors led by my son went back to your kingdom to check for survivors. We never found anyone but the devastated people with their houses burnt together with their food.Your parents remains were no where to be found.It was a sad sight so we offered them some food supplies and clothing. We also gave them some tents to make use as home before we know what next."
"Your father was a good friend to me and I am easy to help you restore your father's kingdom back to it's original glory." King George concluded sipping a glass of wine.

Without wasting time,I spoke out."I'm very grateful for your help but my two sisters have been captured by the assassin who killed my parents.I would very much appreciate if you kept supporting my people as I go to  bring back my sisters. "

"I have the resources to support your people but embarking on this quest is dangerous. I don't have enough knights to give you ." King George explained.

"That's no worry father.I will personally accompany prince Jake on this quest." Luke said .
I felt so loved and shocked that he would leave his family and kingdom to aid me.It dawned on me that he was really sacrificing alot for me.Nevertheless, I couldn't deny his help.

"Luke!" Queen May said shocked.
"Fine.But remember the apocalypse is no joke.You cannot fight him just the two of you." King George explained.

"We shall not be detected.An army would be detected but a small group of two will be able to give them the element of surprise." Luke defended his point.

"Still you cannot fight the apocalypse.But there is another way.You will cross the plains of Scorpio to a small village not far  from the plains.It has no ruler and not many know of it.The East river knights have taken refuge there arming themselves for war" The King said.

"I thought you said no one was left?" I asked confused.
"Yes.But these knights location was to be kept secret.Besides they are only a dozen of them." King George said biting down a chicken.

The fact that finding my sisters meant going through Scorpio's plains made me realize that this quest was not easy but still I had to find them.Everyone in the room stared eagerlmy at me waiting for my response.Luke looked at me with love and that was enough.

"I shall take this quest and save my father's throne." I said with courage.

"Remarkable. Now lets finish our meal before it gets cold." Clary said smiling at me.

I knew I wasn't alone on this quest. Dad's staff would guide me and Luke would be there for me.
"Right.Let's enjoy this night with you two before you leave tomorrow." King George said getting  everyone's attention once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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