Chapter 2

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I need a plan to survive. Basically the death fall upon me because I was plotting against the heroin. The crime of murder which is death sentence. But, from the memories of the past make me want to pity this Ava girl. She was left alone after marriage. Her husband did not love her even after they got married. Her husband shamelessly continued the love affair with the heroin which at the end they got together.

I came to understand why Ava did the extreme decision. The loneliness, bitterness and accusations from people drove her to do that. Well, now I know how the story goes and end. I just need to avoid being on the bad side of the prince and heroin. I'm rooting for them, just be together forever. And the most important I need to save my family and avoid the same punishment for them. I need to save the House of Langston.


The next morning, I get dressed and ready for the college. Yes, I'm going to the Vance College. The private college for nobles family. Even the royal family attended the college too. I letting out a sigh when remembering I will encounter the prince there. I guess it will be inevitable bumping into him. It will happen sooner or later. I guess I just have to accept that for now.

      "My Lady, your family has been waiting for you at dining room." Clarissa informed me.

I turned to watch Clarissa bowed to me. I rise from vanity chair and start to walk towards the dining room. When I entered the room my family already seated at the long table. I thought they had started eating without me but I'm wrong. They waited for me to take my place and my father started to move his spoon indicating we can start eating our breakfast.

I guess this is normal. They usually wait for all the family members to be seated first and start eating after that.

      "Ava, you sure you can attend college? If not I can send letter to request for your leave." My father spoke to me with worried emotion all over his face. 

Ah, this family really love Ava. How fortunate to have such a loving family

I consciously smiling at the thought. Once I break from my thought, I look up to my father with a smile tugging on my lips.

     "I'm fine, father. Don't worry about me. I can manage myself well." I assured him.  "Thank you for your concern, father". The smile never left my lips when I thanked him.

My father didn't look convinced at my speech but he just let me go with it. Suddenly I feel someone tugging on my sleeve. I turned to my left to see an adorable face with concern look on it. The adorable face which belongs to my youngest brother. So cute~~~.

     "Easton, what is it?" I asked him with a little smile on my face. He turned his body to completely facing me while holding my hands into him.

      "Can't you not go ? I'm worried about you. You're just recovered and the physician warn you not to put any stress on your body especially your mind" he persuaded me of not going to college as he worried about me getting more sick.

My smile become bigger when I heard his honest thought. He is so mature for 12 years old boy. His consideration really put me to a shame as an adult. He really love his sister. I stroke his face gently with my thumb while gazing adoringly at him.

       "I'm really fine." I slightly grazed my thumb on his hands. "If anything happen, I will tell you straight away". His frown slightly disappeared hearing my words. "Don't worry too much. Too much frown on your face will make your face less adorable." I said jokingly at him and he nodded while smiling when the joke get at him.

We finished our breakfast in silence. The silent is not awkward but a comforting silence. I really like this family. Although I just meet them in this world, I can feel their love for me. I will cherish their love and do anything to ensure they are safe.

They deserve the world, the best among the best. After that my father started to ride a carriage to go to work while me on another carriage to the college. I bid my mother and siblings goodbye while waving my hand towards them.

The house getting smaller the further the carriage moved. I turn to look into the wall with absent mind. I'm usually like this. I tend to blank out most of the time. I enjoy my solitude. Being alone free me from any negative thoughts from my surrounding. 

At my past life, I'm not a popular girl but people do know me. It's because of my outgoing personality and my reputation as a good student. I'm not the type that make boys drool over me but rather a type boys make friend with me.

People always assumed that I'm a free spirited person but it's just my image in front of people. I just use people to be happy. When I'm making people laugh or smile at my words or jokes, it make me happy. When I'm not in front of many people, I just ordinary girl that really enjoy my time alone.

I don't have many friend that I can called best friends. I just have two close friends that I proudly called as my best friends. I also have a loving family that always support me in my worst and happy time. They always behind my back. I really miss them.

My tears start pooling in my eyes and threatened to fall anytime. I composed myself and start to gaze outside the window at the scenery of nature outside. No matter how much I reminiscing over them it's a fact that I can't go back to my world. I belong here now and need to start thinking this is my life and they are all my people now.

Suddenly the carriage came into a halt and the coachman, Riftyn announced we had arrived at the college. I took a deep breath multiple times to calm my nerves. When I opened the door, Jax- footman hurriedly came over and place a stool for me. I stepped on it while Clarissa held into my hand. 

I arranged my clothes a little bit to be more presentable. I started walking towards the main gate and Clarissa followed me closely from behind. I guess it's the start of my life in this college. Let's do well and get the happy ending for everyone and myself. I can do this.

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