Chapter 13

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In the blink of an eye, I've been here for a year. The new world, a second chance to live. Although sometimes I do hope to go back to my previous life but I know it's impossible now. That world no longer has me. I am now exist and breathe in this new world. I have to slowly adapt to this new life of mine and live.

For a year I keep thinking about the book I am, but I want to forget about all of it now. I don't want to feel scared while thinking about my future and feel anxious in everything I do. I'm tired in living like this. The worries keep eating me away and I'm afraid I'm not keeping my words true which is I want to live my life now as I want.

For the prince and the heroin I guess I just let the fate decide for them. My engagement and marriage too. If I'm end up marrying the prince, I will not interfere in his life especially his love life. All that matter for me now is the safety of my family. As for my happiness, I will search for it in small things in my life. A happy family of my own seem distant from me now. I will forget this dream and fill it with another.

My father is a duke so he has his own territory to rule. My youngest brother is still too young to succeed our father and I do have the desire to help my father. I love helping people and I want to do that through my father. Once Easton is mature enough to take over father's title, till then I will help father.

As I a thinking about it, I am currently walking towards my father's study room. Clarissa quietly following from behind. Before I don't know how Ava's relationship with the servants in the mansion but Ava actually have no or little interactions with them. She didn't abused them, just she didn't actually like to talk to them. So when I took over her, the servants didn't feel anything weird about me.

They just said I starting to talk a little bit more from before and friendlier to them too. However, nothing suspicious came to their mind. Talking is something I do when I want now, when I have the mood to do so. As for my family they just said I am smiling more now and they are happy I am not shutting myself away from them again. I am glad I improved this side of Ava. This family is so precious for me now.

When I arrived at the study's room, Hans could be seen outside the room. It was weird to see him outside as he always at my father's side. The only thing could answered was my father had a guest with him and it was quite important or high ranking guest.

       "Someone with my father now Hans?". Without delaying I straight away questioned him. One trait I noticed about Hans was he liked people to be straight forward with him or to put it simple he liked people to be blunt with him and I'm liking this part of him. It saved me trouble from making any sweet words.

         "Yes, my Lady. The Lord currently has a guest with him and I'm afraid the Lord is not available for now."

          "Really? It can't be helped then. But please do inform me back when father is free." Before I even could turned my body to leave the place, Hans called for me.

         "My Lady, on second thought, please allow me first to ask the Lord if you can enter his room now." He stopped me from leaving and wanted to ask my father first.

         "It's okay. I don't want to disturb father."

         "I insist my Lady. Please wait for a minute."

         "But, Hans..."

Before I could even stopped Hans, he already opened the door and disappeared. After a few minutes, Hans came back and informed me that I could entered the room.

         "Good morning father. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting your work."

Father looked up at me and flashed his usual adoring smile and I smiled brightly after saw it.

          "Don't worry dear. You're not interrupting anything. We just finished the work and the prince insisted for you to come in."

The prince?

When I heard the name, I quickly turned around and my eyes laid on the prince. He was here. No wonder father allowed me to enter his room when there was a guest inside. Prince Noah was his guest.I bowed to the prince and curtsied him. He simply replied my greetings with a nod.

          "Why do you want to meet me? Is something bothering you?"

           "No father. Everything's fine. I just have a small wish I want to ask you." While saying those my eyes kept darting from my father and the prince. I wished he would left my father and I alone. It was more comfortable that way.

           "What is it? Father will do anything for you. Just tell me."

Father's expectant and worried eyes made me nervous to tell him my feelings but I gathered my courage to be honest with him.

           "Father, I would like to help you in managing the dukedom. Until Easton is old enough to replace you, let me help you for his stead."

As soon as I finished, father's eyes were so big that I thought it would popped out from his. Silence filled the room and questioning looks could be seen from their faces. In this world, it was no a common practice for women to managing a territory, business and others. Women were expected to manage the households and what I asked was uncustomary here.

           "Ava, why? Don't you already busy enough with the college, queen's training and lessons? Why you want to do the extra work? It will be hard on you."

           "I know father and I believe I can handle all of that. I just wish to learn on how to manage the dukedom and it will be helpful for me in future too if someday I become the queen."

          "Father know you want to do the best. You always do that but to manage a dukedom is different than what you think. It's a lot harder and tiring. It could take a toll on your health. Father don't want to see that in you."

Just as I expected father would never agreed to my request easily. I needed to win in this arguments but father was not an easy opponent to begin with.

          "Father, I ...."

Before I could even replied back to my father, the prince spoke first and what he said was out of my expectation.

          "I'm sorry Duke Langston but I agree with Ava. Learning and experiencing on how to manage the dukedom will help her in future. She will gain more experiences and it will be helpful for her too in future."

He help me?

Father looked contemplating after the prince's speech. Well, it was unusual for the prince to help me but I was grateful for that. If it was I alone, father will never agreed to it but the prince was different. Father had been working for him for years now and knew when the prince gave his opinions it was something the prince gave his approval to. And father knew about it.

Deep inside I was a bit disappointed at my father since he didn't took my words hard enough but I knew father just worried for me. I sighed and waited patiently for my father.

After a long ten minutes, father opened his mouth and said "Ok then". Just those two words already made me happy. I who couldn't stopped from feeling too elated at his decision, rushed to my father's side and hugged him tightly and pecking at his cheek.

         "This child really ..." Father patted my head gently and pinched my cheek a little. Smile filled his face and it was the same for me too. I was too happy at my father's decision that I forgot the prince was still with us.

I quickly composed myself back and father only laughed at my action. After that the prince excused himself and left the room. I too didn't stayed too long at my father's study room as I knew father had a lot of work to do.

As I closed the door the prince was waiting for me outside. Shocked was the first thing I felt but I calmed down after that. I din't said any words and just send the prince out. Just before the prince got into his carriage I stopped him.

         "Thank you your Highness for your help back then. It really help me a lot."

The prince stopped his action and turned to look at me. He stared at me and just nodded at me. I smiled for that. He really didn't like to talk. Later, the prince left my house with his carriage and I stood there until he disappeared from my vision.

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