Chapter 12

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For the past months I had stuck with Prince Noah writing the proposal for the project and visited the site to get familiar with the surroundings and the people. We had been worked from the palace to my house and even at the college. 

Initially I regretted it but I came to like it because after all it was a good deed for the people. Many suffered in their own and even if I could help even a little bit, I contented with that.

We are currently in the carriage which specifically the prince's personal carriage to the southeast part of the town which the surroundings filled with vast trees and woods. It was secluded from the town but we came to an agreement that this was the best place to build a home for the people with economically challenged, food insecurity and without shelter. On top of that, there will be farm and plantation built there and people could worked there.

When we presented the proposal to the King, he agreed that  we can kill two birds with one stone with this as the people needed to work in order to sustain their lives and also it could help with the kingdom's economy. All the construction had begun in last month and it will take several months or even a year for it to finish.

Our first priority was to construct homes for the people. That was our top priority and while we on it, the healthy and strong men could help in the process and it will speed up the process. 

While I was looking outside the carriage, spectacular view came into my eyes. You could see mountains in the far back of the woods while the streaming sound of water from river and valleys could be heard if you wondered a little far to the forest. 

I realised that this project was bigger that I expected. Once we finished with the construction, authorities will be assigned to monitor the place and knights will be stationed there for safety.

         "Lady Ava!". Small voices could be heard screaming my names. Children were running towards the carriage when it stopped. Clarissa assisted me when I came out from the carriage and I smiled brightly when the innocent faces came into my view. 

          "Slow down, don't run. You will tripped yourselves." I quickly fasten my paces towards them and stopping them in fear they will tripped and fall. They didn't listen and just ran to me. I only could smile as they only children. It was natural for them to act that way.

           "We had waited for you for a long time now. Why you only come now?" Bert who was the oldest among them spoken to me when he reached me and with a little pout on his face while he  spoke to me. The others just nodding at his and I gently patted his head and the others.

            "I'm sorry. I got caught with work and only have this time to come here. Forgive me?" I pleading to them while I bend my body a little bit to coax them. They just smile at my words and shouted together "Yes" and dragged me to play with them.

While I was too preoccupied with the children, I didn't realised the prince had long gone from behind me. I guess he had went to inspect the construction. I just left him with the work and continued to follow the children.

My day fulled with playing with children and helping around with tidied the place and cooked for them. I currently resting under a shade of tree while looking at the children playing freely.  Clarissa was not with me as I urged her earlier to help around. 

I put my head while hugging my knees. Looking at the children evoked a desire in my heart. A desire to be a mother but I know it will impossible for me. It is not my destiny to have my own children when in the first place I was not destined to have a happy ending because I am the villainess. 

But is not hurt to be happy right? I changed the story now and I deserve the best for my end right?     

I always long to have a family on my own, a husband and cute children even in my past life. But, I never had any boyfriend at all during my past life and here I was lucky to have a fiancee. But, I will not have a life with my fiancee. He belong to the female lead, the heroin. He was not mine to begin with and I have to let him go when the time come.

       "Will I have children on my own later?" I unconsciously let it out loud.

       "Of course you can. Why can't you?" a voice looming above my head and when I looked up, I saw Prince Noah was looking at me. 

       "Your Highness! I don't notice your presence here. I'm sorry. Have you done with your work?" I was dodging his question as I didn't know on what to answer him.

He noticed my unwillingness to answer his question but he still continued to press me with it.

        "You are not answering my question." He didn't let me go when I asked him another question. He just ignored my question about his work.

I internally sighed. What I should answer him? The truth? Absolutely not since he will think I am a mad person.

         "I don't know your Highness. It just come into my mind. When our engagement break later, I doubt there will be any suitor for me." 

         "Why?" Did he just asked me an obvious question? Me with my current image is not favourable at all in men's eyes. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. 

         "Your Highness, look at me. You think man will fall for this?" I just bluntly honest with him and gestured my body with my hands.

He just frowned at me. He always frowning when with me. I didn't know whether frowning just his habit or he is displeased with me.

        "I see no reason why your weight had anything to do with your marriageability."

I smiled. That the only thing I could think of to reply him. My answer didn't satisfied him as he was not smiling back. 

Our conversation just ended like that and we left for home after that. The prince first sent me home before went back to the palace. It was a tiring day for me and I just washed myself when I arrived at my bedroom and dived to my bed straight after that. 

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