Chapter 17: Calm Before the Storm

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The rest of Christmas Day was spent in a cozy manner, playing Wizard board games, eating Mrs. Weasley's delicious foods, drinking warm Butterbeer and spending time together around the fireplace. I had always enjoyed spending Christmas with just my parents, but I must admit, it was way more fun with a bigger group. I felt like I was a part of the family. That's partly why I felt a little guilty... I was enjoying my time, but couldn't help but think about my parents. If only they were here...

"Hey", Charlie was standing in front of me. Everyone else had gone into the kitchen while I had been dwelling in my thoughts. "Everything okay? You look a bit woeful." I lifted my gaze to give him a distant smile: 

"Yeah, I'm okay." 

"Look", he sighed and sat next to me in front of the fireplace: "Mom told me about your parents. I don't know if you know, but I work with dragons in Romania." 

"Yeah", I nodded: "Mrs. Weasley told me." 

"I know this probably doesn't help", he said, "but I see it a lot. Stuff like that happens even to the best, there's nothing anybody can do to help if–" 

He swallowed the rest of the sentence and took a deep breath before continuing: "All I'm saying is, I'm sure they were great people. Great wizards. Of course that doesn't take the pain away, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry you lost them so soon." I turned my head to meet his eyes and gave him a genuinely grateful smile. 

"Thank you. Really. It's good to hear it from someone who has experience in these kinds of things."

"Of course", he replied and put his hand consolingly on my shoulder: "If you ever need someone to speak with..." I nodded at him with a smile and he stood up, heading towards the kitchen: "Come on, there might still be some Christmas pudding left." 

I went to bed that night feeling the happiest I had ever felt. 

If only we knew what we have before it's gone. 

"Amelia, darling", Mrs. Weasley called me in the morning: "Please come downstairs." 

I headed down into the kitchen, where Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were standing side to side. Mrs. Weasley was holding a letter in her trembling hands. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked and looked at the letter cautiously. Mrs. Weasley inhaled quickly, slammed her hand on her mouth and rushed to give me a hug. I looked at Mr. Weasley over Molly's shoulder; he looked extremely uncomfortable. He cleared his throat before speaking: 

"Your grandmother has sent us an letter", he said slowly and sighed: "Your grandfather is in the hospital." 

I felt the colour disappear from my face. Mrs. Weasley let go of me and I crashed down onto a chair. I turned to look at Mr. Weasley: "Is he okay?" 

"As for now, yes", he explicated: "But your grandmother would like you to join them tomorrow." 

He paused for a second before quietly adding: "Just in case." 

I nodded silently, while a million thoughts jostled in my mind. How could this happen? He was the most energetic 75-year-old I had ever seen... He was so healthy and full of life, now laying in a hospital bed. 

"Your grandmother said she's going to be waiting for you at six in the evening tomorrow", Mrs. Weasley said, "at the Gryffindor Tower." I lifted my head up. 

"You know?" 

"Yes... she told us, in the letter... I would have never guessed, to be honest." 

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