Chapter 1: Moving In

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Sam got out of his car, walked up the stairs of the gigantic apartment complex, pushed open the door and made his way to the desk on the first floor.

"Hi there, I'm the new tenant of apartment 203?" He said, balancing the few boxes he had on his hip while talking to the receptionist.

"Can I get a name and ID?" The receptionist said, trying to see Sam beyond the boxes obscuring his face.

"Oh, yeah, the name's Samuel Finnegan, here's my driver's license," He said, trying to fish his wallet out of his back pocket without dropping the boxes he was carrying "aaaaaaaaand, got it! Wait, crap!"

As he finally retrieved the wallet from back pocket, his grip on the boxes he was carrying slipped and the boxes started to fall. The receptionist rushed around the desk and grabbed the boxes to keep them from falling.

"Oh, let me take some of these" She said, holding a few of the boxes.

Now Sam could actually see past the boxes that were blocking his vision before, he could actually see the receptionist. She appeared to be the same age as him, with light brown hair over one shoulder with a small ribbon keeping it all in place and baby blue eyes that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, even behind her glasses.

"Uh, hi." Sam said, losing every thought in his head after seeing her "Uh, thanks, um, for the boxes."

"Don't worry about it!" She said with a smile, "Can I see your license now? That way we don't have to stand here all day long."

"Oh, uh, yeah, here you go" Sam said, fumbling his wallet in nervousness.

He handed her the license, she tapped a few keys on her computer, then grabbed a key from a drawer in her desk.

"All right, here's the key for apartment 303, I've heard nice things about it!" she said, handing him the key.

"Oh, no, I'm moving into apartment 203, not 303." Sam said.

"Wait, you're joking, right?" She said, puzzled "You have heard the rumors about 203 being haunted, right?"

"Yup." He said with a smirk.

"And you're still moving in?"

"Look, I am not a rich man, if anything I'm the exact opposite, and that apartment is insanely cheap. So what if it's got a few people in the walls, for that price, I'll deal with it."

"All right, whatever you say" She said, grabbing a different key from the drawer. "I can help you bring up these boxes, if you want."

"Oh, thank you." He said, grabbing the key from her and moving toward the elevator.

She stood up from her seat, grabbed some boxes and stood next to him to wait for the elevator.

"My name's Penny, by the way." She said after a while of being silent.

"Sorry, what was that?" He said, snapping out of a daydream, likely about her.

"My name's Penny, you told me your name before, I thought it would only be fair if I told you mine." She said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Penny." Sam said, getting on the elevator. "Do you live here on top of being the receptionist?"

"Yeah, my dad's lived here for a long time, and he's not doing so great, so I live here with him to take care of him, but I work as the receptionist part time to help with the bills." Penny said, joining him.

"Huh, then I guess I'll be seeing more of you in the future"

"I guess so" She said, still smiling.

"Welp, I'm screwed. She's my age, cute, and super sweet. Be still, my beating heart." He thought to himself as he waited for the elevator to stop so he could get off.

"I can take those boxes, if you want." Sam said when the elevator finally opened.

"Oh, are you sure? I'm fine bringing them to your apartment."

"Yeah, it's fine I can take them. Thanks for the help thus far!"

"No problem, I'm hoping you don't get killed by a ghost, you're kinda cool." Penny said with a sly look.

"well, it's a good thing I took those boxes, now she can't see me blushing like an idiot," he thought to himself "Come on, get it together! You're not a shy little boy who blushes at any little thing, you're a man!"

"Well anyway, I've gotta get these boxes put away, maybe I'll see around?" He said, hoping she would respond positively.

"You probably will, seeing as how I both work and live here. Anyway, you have fun with those boxes, I'll see you around!" She said, waving goodbye around the boxes so he could see.

"Goodbye!" He said, waving as well as he could with several boxes in his hands. "all right, let's take care of these things." he thought.

He turned around and walked down the hallway, eventually finding number 203, unlocking and opening the door, and putting his boxes on the floor.

"Ghosts, who'd believe a ridiculous rumor like that. Oh well, I gotta go grab the rest of my boxes." He thought to himself as he walked back out the door and into the hallway.

After about an hour of picking things up, walking, waiting, then putting things back down, he had finally brought all his boxes into his new apartment. Exhausted, he slumped down onto the couch that was there and dozed off for a bit. When he opened his eyes, he saw a large, slightly see through, Viking looking man staring at him, almost as if he had been waiting for him to wake up.

"GAH!" Sam jolted awake and and tried to move as far away as he could.

"You done sleeping yet? That's my seat." the man said in a gruff voice.

"holy crap, it's a ghost!" Sam thought to himself, panicking.

"Wait, are you an actual ghost?!" he said, out of breath.

The Viking said with a bit of a annoyed look on his face as he sat down, "what? No I'm not a ghost, but I can see where you're coming from. Here, let me explain."

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