Chapter 2: Encounters Of The Entirely Normal Kind

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"What do you mean you're not a ghost?!how are you not a ghost?! You're see through, you're a Viking, and you somehow got in when the door was locked?!" Sam said, absolutely baffled at the man sitting next to him.

"Okay first of all, I don't appreciate you assuming my ethnicity, even though I am a Viking, but second of all, I am not a ghost! Look, I'm horrible at explaining all of this, let me get Nikola in here, he explains it way better than I do." The Viking said, visibly annoyed at Sam "Nicola, get in here!"

Sam, still shocked from his meeting with the "not a ghost", watched as a very familiar person walked into his living room.

The other "not a ghost" said in a light accent "You called for me?"

"Why is there a ghostly Nikola Tesla in my living room?!" Sam said, still shocked

"WE'RE NOT-" The Viking said with a sigh while rubbing the bridge of his nose "look, can you explain what we are to him?"

"Oh, yeah sure, let me just go grab my chalkboard" Tesla said as he walked out of the room.

Sam could hear the sounds of wheels rolling from another room before he say Tesla pushing what looked to be a ghostly chalkboard into the living room

"is that a ghost chalkboard?!" Sam said, still huddled up in the corner of the couch

"I would recommend staying away from the word 'ghost' if you want to stay healthy, Balgruf is getting pretty sick of you using that word to describe us" Nikola said, pointing at the seething ball of Scandinavian hate sitting next to Sam

"Got it, but what actually are you guys?" Sam said, scared at the thought of what might happen if he said "ghost" again

"That's actually really simple," Tesla said, writing on his ethereal chalkboard with his ghost chalk, "The simple answer is, we built a time machine."

"I'm sorry what?" Sam said, shaken out of his state of fear and into utter confusion

"Yup, it's simple as that. You see, time is very difficult to comprehend, but it's not unlike a wall. On one side you have a wall, and on the other side you have a wall, but in the middle is empty space. When we built a time machine it was supposed to bring us all the way through to the outside of the other wall, but instead it left us in the empty space in the middle. What this means is that we no longer exist in your realm, but instead we are spread across every moment in time that ever existed, making us see through and giving us the ability to move through walls and doors."

"So you're telling me, that instead of the simple answer of gho-" Sam stopped himself when he saw Balgruf winding up a punch, "instead of the simple answer of 'people who are not alive' you're telling me that you both built time machines and got stuck here?"

"That's exactly it, it also works with objects, which is how I have this chalkboard with me, I brought it with me when I tried to time travel." Tesla said, tapping the chalkboard.

"But, how did this guy over here make a time machine? They didn't even have electricity back then!" Sam said in complete and utter confusion.

"Well, I was the smartest Viking in my village, but time travel isn't that hard, you people just over complicate it." Balgruf said, calming down.

"Well, I guess I'm looking for a new apartment." Sam said, getting up and walking towards the door.

"Yeah, I wouldn't count on it." Tesla said, wiping off his chalkboard.

"And why do you say that?"

"Well, judging by the fact that you moved into this apartment despite the fact that there are rumors about it being haunted suggest that you're hard up for cash and needed a cheap place to stay. The small amount of boxes you have cements that idea." Tesla said as he wheeled his chalkboard out of the room.

"So in other words, I'm stuck with people who will never leave me alone, and I can't even move out." Sam said with a forlorn look in his eye.

"Pretty much," Balgruf said, standing up and putting his hand on Sam's shoulder "But hey, it could be worse. We could try to make you die of a heart attack!"

"True, at least there's only two of you to deal with" Sam said, perking up the slightest bit.

"Oh, yeah, did I forget to mention there's others?"

"you've gotta be kidding me." Sam groaned as five other people walked into the living room.

"Does everybody want to introduce themselves and when they're from?" Balgruf said to the group.

"Good evening, fine sir, I am sir George and I come from England in 1820, I'm charmed to meet you." Said the man with the mustache in the suit and bowler hat.

"How you doin' kid? The name's Nicky, I'm from New York, 1927, good to meetcha'." the man in the vest and fedora said in a heavy Brooklyn accent.

"Hyello, I am Ivan, and I come from Moscow, 1952, nice to make your aquantance." Said the man in the jacket with the cigar in a thick Russian accent.

"How you doing there, bud? I'm uh, I'm Dave, and I guess I'm from 2005, I guess we're roommates now, huh? It'll be just like college!" said the man in the white tee shirt, cargo shorts and grass stained New Balances. Just looking at him you got the feeling that he was a dad.

"I uh, I guess that leaves me. I'm Josh, and I'm from, well, last year. I haven't been here that long." Said a high school age looking boy wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

"And you already met me, but I'm Balgruf, and I'm from the eleventh century." Balgruf said, looking back to Sam.

"And I'm Nikola, and I'm from 1891, but I guess you already knew that." Nikola said, walking back into the living room.

"Uh, hi, I'm Samuel Finnegan but you can call me Sam, and I guess I'm your new roommate." Sam said, trying to accept everything that just happened.

"Great! Now what do you want to do as the new roommate?" Balgruf said in a cheery tone

"Honestly? Between moving in and having all this dropped on me suddenly, I think I just want to go to bed." Sam said with a sigh.

"All right, well, we'll be here when you wake up, in case you want to do something then!" Balgruf said to Sam as he walked to his bedroom.

"how did I get roped into this? All I wanted was a cheap apartment to live in and now I've got to deal with a bunch of old dudes." Sam thought to himself as he climbed into bed, "maybe I'll wake up and this will all have been a dream. Yeah, that would be nice."

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